
This might be a good time to recall something of which many of us are ignorant in our own history. It is estimated that 10 to 30% of Africans forced to our shores as slaves were of Muslim descent: many of them spoke and wrote in Arabic; some of them Hafidhs who had memorised the entire Qu’ran and could recite it in

See? Force these moments of cognitive dissonance on his minions— “but Pope=good!!! We have to CHOOSE between the Pope and the “savior” of the USA?!”

It was only sensible and prudent for that woman to let Octavia Spencer hit her with a pie. If she hadn’t, then Spencer might have come back with her army of bad bitches.

I am dumbfounded that its 2017, and people are actually debating if its okay to punch nazis in the face. Our grandparents would be so goddamn disappointed in us.

Yep. For the first time in my life, #I’mWithHimAndByHimIMeanShiaLaBeoufWhichIsWeirdButFuckNazis.

Well at least that money will go to the Trump family instead of helping some kid with AIDS.

Okay but is it a good workout. Because I can’t find anything about what the class actually is in any of their press materials.

To be fair, with a well knapped chunk of obsidian you can slice a man in half before he even notices.

As someone who got a temporary restraining order against my attacker and had to go back to court to get it renewed for one year after it expired, this is ridiculous. Now, I understand that you have to actually find the person to give them a restraining order. It is hard when you have no idea where they went after the

I remember when it first became obvious last year that Donald Trump had a legitimate shot at the White House, and the New York Post ran the story about Melania’s fully nude and lesbian-themed photo shoot(s) from her modeling days, and of course social media was saturated with racy photos from her GQ shoot back in

This was a choice by NBC that decided to let Trump go ahead and host SNL after the Mexican remarks and while he was running. Fuck NBC, and I mean that with love. What she did was dreadful, but Jesus! We are living in the land of dreadful. How do you pick?

What she did was wrong, but suspended? No one suspended Limbaugh or any of the ogres at Fox when they made similar comments about Chelsea or the Obama girls. People make mistakes-the lynch mob needs to stand down.

This is what happens when you have literally never had to work to overcome a single fucking thing in your entire privileged life.

I’m sure I’m in the minority here but what made Trump’s remarks so vile is that he made them in front of the Memorial Wall at the CIA. Those stars represent operatives killed in the line of duty who can’t be honored by name because of the nature of their activities.

oh, but we didnt demoralize him, sean - he came to us, quite honestly, without any morals at all.

This all feels a bit too cute by a half. Valid concerns, many of which have been expressed people all throughout the Democratic coalition, but in this case, in a way to try and lord them over something undeniably good because you’re obviously holier than thou. Quite frankly, it’s tacky and messy.

I work for an advocacy organization. We all went to the march, with our friends and our families.

Saw this in SF, too!

Bernie Bros who rejected all the work Hillary Clinton has done in the last 30 years are now criticizing her for not coming out to march yesterday. I know we’ve got the green light for punching Nazis, but can we punch Bernie Bros, too?