Response from Justin Trudeau to yesterday’s marches:
Response from Justin Trudeau to yesterday’s marches:
Apparently this also happened yesterday. For those unfamiliar, Sikhs have a tradition of offerings free meals on a daily basis at their temples. Large temples pride themselves on being open to feed people 24 hours a day.
-An old woman with her husband marching; he held her purse while she walked slowly, supported by two canes, along with the rest of us.
the “i love naps but i stay woke” just melted me! so adorable!
In case anyone sees this and wants to watch Elizabeth Warren’s speech. I can’t find any of the others yet.
I’m sure I’ll be forever gray here but I just want to share - I don’t think I’ve ever cried as much in one day as I have today reading all about the various marches and the awesome turnout. Its like little bits of my soul being healed to see how many good people are still out there. I have hope again after today.
Oh that is so not fair, Ian! Yes, Obviously you win the protest sign game forever BUT NOT ALL OF US GET TO HAVE CAPT. PICARD AS OUR BEST FRIEND, AND DON’T EVEN PRETEND THAT ISN’T WHERE YOU GOT THIS IDEA FROM!
Just warning anybody who wants to concern troll about marchers’ profanity hurting their message that I will punch you in the neck.
We can’t let it be just one day. Rev William Barber argues that we are witnessing the birth pangs of the Third Reconstruction.
Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia.
This is a really, really good panel & thank-you (Jezebel) for helping to host it.
“You should be happy your rapist settled for you. Nobody else wants you.”
Listen, bitchlette, he didn’t have to run for president. He could have gone on with his businesses, making deals, not paying his taxes, not paying his bills, living in his gilded bubble, and doing whatever it is he does to stay in the news. He chose to run for president. He chose to channel Greg Stillson to gain…
The guy cakes on orange makeup every single morning, looks at himself in the mirror and thinks he looks good enough to go out and meet the world.
Kelly Anne Conway thought it was a good idea to leave the house this morning dressed like a nutcracker, why the fuck would I take any of her advice?
Thank you for the work you do.