
Not in the least. I am straight up in love with Charlie Day!

Check a little harder as to causation before you make claims. Hate to sound like you Fox people but educate yourself.

Hey. Not my point and screw you! Yes, we should take take services from women because a few men may need them at some point. Go back to your damn

I totally agree! I am so tired of hearing about how straight men need domestic violence shelters. One shelter I worked with provided the same DV services for men and women. In one year, they got 2 men. 2! But they had to continue to funnel money to services for men because of jerks like the ones you are talking about.

And as a woman family lawyer who works with the poor, I can tell you the reason women file is because men walk away and let the woman deal with the consequences. Women are not the ones leaving their families. They have been left and need to make sure that the children are supported. I don't understand this new "women

I travel a lot and I unless I am taking a backpack with one change of clothes, I always check my luggage. I have never lost my luggage and I am not about to take someone's eye out for a space. I get on, put my purse underneath the seat in front of me and no need to throw elbow.

Male business travelers are the WORST! Actually, I find most business men rude as all get out. I am a short, young looking lawyer (not actually all that young) and I work in the financial district. I get walked into knocked over, pushed, etc. all the time by large business men in button down shirts all the time. My

Actually I'm not quite sure what he is doing. If they get divorced then the prenup applies, but if its an annulment then it is literally as though there was no marriage and they don't have to negotiate anything. If they want to continue suing each other or if they have a jointly owned asset, the it would go to civil

Aw HELL! You got me. I knew it didn't sound correct.

I want to buy this NOW for the daughter I hope to maybe have one day, who I might just name Chell. Awesome.

Exactly! If it was due to some some of environmental thing, you'd think that you'd see the same trend in SF. Weird.

I never thought I would grow up and still love both Wil Wheaton and Levar Burton. But OOOHHHH HOW I LOVE THEM SOOOOO!!!!! Set tasers to LOVE!

I know! I just realized as I was typing it. Poor Jasper.

Yes! Thanks for that.

What has Mr. Embry been up to, I wonder? I love him! He was also in 2 of my other fav 90s flicks- Empire Records and Vegas Vacation,

Is he ever going to do another Shades of Grey book? I love everything he ever wrote, but that one was mind-twisting.

I was going to write something deep and intelligent but its Monday. SO- I'd just like to say I love you, I love this article....and cue to the concern trolls....

Oh, they do! And its awful! I quit my gym about a year ago and I am happy as a clam.

Ugh. Now I feel awful. I am totally average-sized, maybe a bit chubby, and I run seriously. Half-marathons, marathons, do lots of long distance training with running groups, etc. When I run in the park, people of all sizes give each other high fives, say "good job" etc. to each other. I've done it to other cuz it

I hope you aren't snarking on Kim Guilfoyle. She is a pretty bad ass woman (and has my sympathies for working at Fox). She used to be the first lady of San Francisco.