Wow. I have a completely, utterly overwhelming adoration for Mr. Jon Bon Jovi, and even seeing him in this trailer won't get me to see it. Now that is saying something.
Wow. I have a completely, utterly overwhelming adoration for Mr. Jon Bon Jovi, and even seeing him in this trailer won't get me to see it. Now that is saying something.
Staple her cervix?!?!?!?!KLSFJ AASF:OOJ A
Hey Rocco- stuff it. If I want some sangria, I am going to drink some f-ing sangria.
I honestly feel terrible for her. Such a late miscarriage is an awful awful thing to happen to a person. I feel about this like I feel about someone who gets lung cancer from smoking. What they did was not smart or healthy, but I still feel bad about the consequences they face.
I read that too, and I don't quite understand. Um, it is bad for the fetus if you continue to take birth control pills while pregnant. Why was she taking them? Do they mean she went off of them, then had a miscarriage? And she thinks that caused it?
Man, I LOVE that album.
Good point. I'm not sure why they were going that way, but they definitely said they had just come from China with her. Sounds like they took the long way, huh?
My problem isn't the crying baby. I mean, its a baby. It is a human and lives in this world and will one day be an adult. They are fine. I have been on cross-country red eyes with babies that screamed for 6 hours (not sure why anyone would do that trip to a baby, it is awful as a grown-up) and I don't hate the baby. I…
My BFF worked at Merck in one of their international offices. She quit after 2 months when she realized that her job was to figure out ways to prevent poor AIDS patients in Africa from getting treatment. On top of that, they were just awful to work for.
You were a genius! I love it.
My sister pulled the skin milk thing on me too! My mom had no idea why I was terrified of it for years.
I love these!
Dammit! I love that show and I love Maria Bello. I can't believe it's over! Mr. Beachlady is going to have a fit as he is completely in love with her.
Yes, this looks stupid and offensive and just un-watchable. But also, this is an affront to Bosom Buddies. I loved that show when I was a kid. I also loved Three's Company. When I was 6. It was the late 70s, early 80s. It was funny back then. But just try to watch that stuff now and it is so dated and silly.
Yeah, my disgusting ex tried the "let's get married" crap on me. Like I was going to say, "Oh, you sweet cokehead! Now that I have this ring that you probably stole on my finger, I will forget all about how you cheated on me, stole money from me to buy your drugs, and gave me an STD! You are wonderful and our life…
And they don't look good on everyone. I feel so uncomfortable in strapless dresses, but that is what I've had to wear to pretty much every wedding I have been in. Sleeves are cool.
I think all of this can be translated into a one sentence rule about life in general- Don't treat people that are different from you like an animal in a zoo, a science experiment or a precious little doll.
They seem to be odd about Community. You can't watch any previous seasons anywhere, even Netflix.
Right on! I hate "men are like this/women are like this" shows. Why can't "women-centric" comedy be funny and not about men, periods, shoes and chocolate?!
Zooey and I are style twins. I just went to a wedding, and beforehand was searching high and low for basically the dress that she is wearing. Alas, as I am a peon with no access to a stylist, I only managed to find a gold dress that is no where near as cute as hers, but works just fine for me.