
This is if the rumor is true even though but okay....

That isn’t Fallout then....

I think that’s what most people have to do when they say they “hate” the new Teen Titans show...actually have to watch it and give it a try. People forget that the original show had SUPER cheezy moments just like this one. I went back and watched the original and I was like my god...the drama at times is awful but

Sorry but the linked article is speculation. Let’s wait until they announce an official release date before pinning a year on it.


lol this was the best comment out of the bunch. Just because of how ridiculous it was and well placed.

You forget, you also are given the right to be treated as a person, and you can lobby us for shit so we get you out of everything in the future.

I’m thinking of Democracy where the people vote and companies aren’t seen as people.

I said it might have been a cancelled DLC as..there were some that WERE cancelled. Right now you think rumor and speculation are facts when they arn’t that’s what I argued against and the fact that they won’t use a name they’ve already used for a game...

The day companies get penalized for the day we have democracy back...

Nah. I think it was a DLC name nothing more. They will use country/land names as with previous titles. They won’t break that habit.

Could very well be a sequel to the old game though. I highly doubt they will use the same name of a previous title.

Nah they have said in the past they only want to tread to places that weren’t central to the previous games like Daggerfall and up until now. So it’s probally going to be the two I mentioned or my better guess is they go to the other land mass and implement the settlements of Fallout in the Elder Scrolls universe.

You won’t get Hammerfell, II had Hammerfell already. It’ll probably be Elsweyr or Blackmarsh. Those are the 2 left that didn’t have a game. Hoping it’s on the new landmass on the other side of the world though. I would very much like to have the Dragonpeople race show up.

Origins is so good compared to Knight.

Based on what facts? Do we know they paid for the expansion pass or not? Or that they even paid for the base game anyways? We know nothing.

Exactly and that’s at least why this petition started and didn’t get fair coverage by Jason. It isn’t a real review in my opinion, and the writer seems to even classify it as satire.

It was Satire not even a review. that’s why people are pissed. lol Read the article and what it was classified as. It didn’t even review the fucking game but the series.

The review itself was in Satire though and wasn’t serious. IT didn’t even review the game but the series as a whole and basically argued the game didn’t need to be made because the series was pointless and sucked anyways. That’s the mind numbing thing of it all.. there was no review and it was classified as comical in