
It’s very much in the greys with Kotaku as a blog or journalist site. Jason himself considers himself a Journalist, but also not at times.

Did you read the “review”?

It’s really petty that people defend a review that isn’t reviewing anything. If it did I’d agree with you.

Read the review. It doesn’t even actually review the game. I can see why people are upset. If it was a real review I’d be like you... but no.. it isn’t.

It be interesting if the review actually reviewed the game. It talks about the series as a whole and how a new game doesn’t add anything and that’s pretty much it. Nothing about the new game. I think that’s bogus.

If Thomsen actually reviewed the game sure... he didn’t he reviewed the series and how the new game is unnecessary. It wasn’t even a game review which is why people are pissed.

Jason... you are missing one key fact. The article wasn’t serious it was satire. That’s why people are pissed. It didn’t even review the game at all. It reviewed the series and talks about how the game is pointless. Because the series stinks. It wasn’t a true video game review.

Feet look like’s a deer pokemon...maybe even a baby form of Stantler

Can we get the Rogue one set out please?! That’s all. I bought Infinity 3.0 because of Star Wars. eh. oh wells. lol

IGN made this hilarious video off of it.

Prepare for Fairy Tales... thats what the Witcher started with in it’s short stories. Honest to good re-telling of fairy tales with Geralt solving the issues. Loved the books!

But will you want one when the NX comes out?

And Obama is not having any of that.

buy it and feel burned when the NX comes out lol

No gif with your comment -50 points from Hufflepuff.

I hope we get another 3-4 good years of this gen even if by 2-3 years from now I’m already buying a PS5.

Some people remember it... namely what’s her face..with the videos..and the angry mob that didn’t like her stealing people’s videos...and that the narrative wasn’t represented... I can’t remember the name... but... it brought a huge wave of internet madness... that I don’t want back.

I was going to comment about how you guys talked about being blacklisted and that you wouldn’t get any copies anyways but you already beat me to that punch. Back to Nathan Draking. :0

So....why are we getting updates on everything poopypie does these days again?

Damn. I got in with the Star Wars figures and played the game. now they are gone.