
It’s not just that, but Games media wants bad things to say so they all make click bait from something that can sound doom and gloom.

ok. Again. He isn’t and hasn’t said anything is free. He says people are entitled to affordable healthcare, affordable education. Which is really redistributing where our taxes go and who pays the taxes. Right now corporations get through tax loops and the rich use offshore banks. The idea is to make it so they pay

Source? Mine is Bernie. Yours? Enjoy being blind to the truth.

Hillary is far different than any politician and anyone watching her politicial career can see that. Trump isn’t.... well it’s hard to tell. It’s like Hitler but not. Trump is saying shit because he thinks those people are like minions or idiots. It’s like he said himself, he can shoot someone in new york and still

eh. most of the White americans I know love Bernie. He’s more popular than any of them.

That isn’t what he wants. He never said free anything... He wants to make it so taxes go more to eveything they should be going and getting companies to pay their fair share. They haven’t and that’s why our taxes are higher. But okay. LOL

Why not Bernie? He still can beat her... they are going for a contested election depending on California.

In my mind she’s more like Palpatine than Trump. Trump you know what you are getting, she is....very much like Palpatine.

Both are disturbing. Bernie is the only logical choice for a better future. My only hope is if Trump somehow gets it that the masses get more angry and active in politics in the future so we can ditch the two party system and actually have a system for the people again.

This is why Bernie needs to win. Less doomed, and a hope for a better future.

lol very funny. You don’t think I can rock Mario Kart 64? Been playing games since before the N64. You had to go back that far to think of a game that you could beat me in? Really?

To be fair the guy workin on it said we’d get to see it Friday lol

Oh look it’s The Noble House of NOOB!

I hope so....

exactly... In my mind Fallout has become a open world shooter with a building sim in it. The RPG elements are pretty much gone.

I have a feeling it’s that Boba Fett game that was canned.

With how dry we were for years.... It’s a nice change. Star Wars Games were how I got into Gaming as a hobby.

I’m thinking they are going to work on that Boba Fett Game that was cancelled awhile back.

Dang my hopes up for a Remaster/new KOTOR are dead.

BIOWARE?! Wait are you including Bioware for the MMO? or is it a NEW project?