Well I’m not sure Rocksteady lied about pretty much everything the last 2 years regarding this game, it being their last? Could be a lie too lol
I did it before she still says Bruce and she called him that in City I believe too. She jsut didn’t while she was captured by Riddler in case he overheard.
From my understanding Sefton either tweeted or said in an interview that Batgirl DLC will have a whole new Gotham Map so it should be pretty big, also the trophies are already up for it and it has WAY more than the 1 trophy Red hood had and 1 trophy Quinn had.
Freeze Grenade is near where you meet robin too off on the side. That was a pain too.
I also think they will add it to the next Origin’s Sequel or later when they do No Man’s Land storyarch. As that would work well in a No Man’s Land like setting in the Bat Universe.
I think the nemesis system would work wonders if it was in the Bat universe but if you played someone wanting to be top dog villain too. So it’d be a Batman Game with GTA elements (you play and meet some of the big name villains) and their henchmen and others are in the nemesis system and you keep trying to be top…
Paul Dini didn’t write this one. Some acting and scenes are the best of the series in this game, but the Batmobile and lack of boss fights ruin the game. Some stuff seems to be pulled for the Season Pass. Kevin Conroy does some AMAZING acting. The story parts that are original are awesome, and one story mission is the…
You apparantly can remap in the options... I couldn’t figure out how though. lol
More like they wanted to save it for the next game... This isn’t the last Arkham game..
No the Batmobile is worse than Roach. Roach at least listens half the time and controls better.
I always wanted there to be a choice, like you choose to join team rocket and maybe even decide to be the leader if you can. lol
True, Gordon hasn’t been completely bad but it bothers me that the creators even know it doesn’t look entirely Batman yet they keep pushing for it. I wish they kept their guns about the New 52, because some things were cool updates, some weren’t. I liked having Earth 2 Huntress back, Court of Owls was a nice new…
One of the major things that bother me about the new suit is that EVEN the creators call it the Bunny Suit. Not very Batman like I say... Also, if they keep this up they will be loosing me as a customer. I want Bruce as Batman, I’m also very sick of them changing things up every 3-5 years to get more people to buy the…
I think that’s the worst part, usually the first lap I do fine, second lap they get creative and the glitch happens, and the final track of the final race was a pain but I had no glitches since Riddler was in control lol
A terrible car to drive and a buggy mess? yeah, it’s awful, but yes, you can get through it, after trying 21 times I got the final track. I blew up so many times from a glitch it wasn’t funny.
At the starting line? No... lol
Sometimes it’s bugged to blow you up when you press the change button lol mine did when I stoped long before the thing to test it and my car blew up. Lovely. I completed the hardest one I think though! lol
PC master race you where saying it? I ask as I played B:AK on the PS4 which plays wonderfully. lol
Since you can change her look too (both can be altered just the one you leave the mirror with is “you” for the game) it won’t be scarey lol