I got 2 but one for me and one for the wife, Hope they don’t cancel one on me. I don’t price gouge.
I got 2 but one for me and one for the wife, Hope they don’t cancel one on me. I don’t price gouge.
I think he means about the Release date, not that Fallout 4 existed lol
They also did a launch of an iOS game that no one saw coming (eventually on Android) That was awesome. Honestly I think Betheseda won E3. I didn’t need to know of anything Amazing Sony has coming for us (and they sure do!) BE3 was it for me.
Yeah They as in WB and maybe even Triforce but it’s mainly Fucking WB since they where putting it together. I’m holding blame until the game actually comes out for Rocksteady, if it’s buggy as shit I blame them for that alone. I expect it won’t be because Rocksteady hasn’t been that kind of company, usually very…
They handled it like shit either way. Some people won’t get a game at launch because you either pre-order it or you can’t get it the first or second week. Burned.
Not if you live where pre-orders are the only way to get a game. this was a major Fuck up by WB
Their insider had the batmobile then the last insider they switched it out with 2 figures, proof this issue was known 2 weeks ago and not a peep by either Rocksteady or WB. either way it was a major fuck up by WB
WB fucked up but they pulled the Batmobile from their last insider so they knew this was coming. Stop thinking I blame Rocksteady, I mainly blame WB, Like I’ve said before, but don’t think for a fucking second they didn’t know something was up and could have let fans know. Rocksteady is not the perfect saints everyone…
2 fucking weeks ago they should have known as they made it within 2 weeks ago and showed it off with a brief mention. Rocksteady should have known by then, WB should have too. They both dropped the ball. Make no miss take I blame WB more, but Rocksteady has been marketing it way more than WB in other ways.
It was marketed 2 fucking weeks ago, they mentioned it in their insider videos Rocksteady made themselves.
It’s both, they had one in their videos and not once did they not know? They BSed it and Dropped the ball, both parties did.
Ship means when fans create relationships for characters of their fav. show/comic/book that did not exist before, and constantly hound creators/show for it to exist. Before Korrasami existed in season 4 lots of people were shipping it from season 2 and 3 to the creators. Usually it doesn’t come true. Lots of times…
..... since the PS4 is about to enter a year 3.... you think that they will have a ps3 game come out in 2016? Alrighty then... You picked up the PS3 after it’s life cycle is pretty much over, not even COD is coming to it this year. That is on you not sony man.
Also my old Vault that everyone died the people that came in had some dirty play on words names which was funny.
simple, they made the game for the iphone first. Why? If it leaked it only can leak one place, on the apple store and they could shut it down. That and they probally got a deal with Apple on it.
I love how in my new vault when ever the resources reach 100 I get raided by raiders.
It’s fun but some radroaches came radiated everyone and murdered the fuck out of my first shelter... oh wells lol
Not sure what Planet you are on, it should be announced today as Sony’s Pre-Show is going to start/has started soon.
Well.. now that there is a new captain or w.e. before Next Gen, Star Trek WAS the original crew and Capt. Kirk.
High School people told me I must be gay. Cited a shit ton of reasons to me why I should. (I’m not gay, have only been interested in girls..) About 3 girls who ended up coming out used to tease me and try to get me to join the Gay club, forgot the name for it since it’s changed since then I think in that school when…