
Every other source has said 6:30 PM for the Bethesda Conference.... They could be wrong though. damn. gotta wait a half hour longer.

Um. Shut up. I have a libarary of all the comics of Harley Quinn and the Batfamily ever printed. Some of the Wikis have been false. I don’t need to read it. Fuck off.

Hey sweetie I know Batman so shut up. Kinda done talking to you and having you insult me AFTER you insinuated bullshit to try to feel better than me. Get lost. Leave me alone. Sick of everyone on here getting butt hurt but when I snap back I get more BS. I’ve watched the B:TAS countless times I have all 75 years of

You know what’s dumb. Every dumbass who attacks my opinion when they didn’t read it through. I think it’s great Harley and Ivy are in a realtionship in the CURRENT universe. In the Past such as Bruce Timm Harley was never giving her love back to Ivy, Ivy was gay but not Harley. Pre-New 52 Harley realized Ivys love but

Hey dumbass I never said gay was wrong. EVER. so shut up idiot. Sick of your agenda driven BS when I only made a point that they don’t have to be gay, but they have been. It’s fine. But it’s still not true for every universe. They should have posted the comic that these WRITERS wrote, it was good. now shut up and stop

DUMBASS re-READ my comment. Read the end. all I said was it’s not true in EVERY universe and I’d rather have them post the actual COMIC that the Writers that they were quoting on in the article. WHICH IT EXISTS. Also wasn’t canon in the show, Harley never reconized Ivy’s love, but Ivy did love her. It was always

I’ve had more problems with Gay people telling me to be gay because of a close freindship I’ve had then straight people thinking it’s straight. So You tell me. Fucking bullshit agenda driven shit. I didn’t say I had a problem with it in my original comment you dumbass. RE-READ my comment. I said good for them, but NOT

Each universe has it’ own canon. Bob Kane’s original universe is dead and gone. But they still live on to come back again. This is only 5 years of canon, things before that where a different universe. Look into the Multiverse for DC you seem to be missing that part, which was my point.

The insinuation the writer makes that all other universes share it, they don’t. Especially with the ones they posts where Ivy was wishing to be romantic with Harley or it’s hinted (even more than hinted in the main DC universe pre-Reboot) but they weren’t romantically involved as Harley was pretty much blind to that

The pictures in the article and videos are NOT from the New 52.. Sorry. Whatever. Not sure why my original post had to be debated anyways. Done talking to the idiots who can’t read. I was fine with them being romantic in THIS universe. I don’t like writers thinking they can claim all universes shared that trait, they

They will probally print Gwent cards to sell soon I’m sure and an Online game too.

It is canon in the new universe, the ones the creators are using, they didn’t even bother to show that. You think I’m bothered with it being canon? No. I’m bothered they are using other universes and saying it’s canon in that, which it isn’t or the realtionship wasn’t like it is in the new universe....

Again, they didn’t use the comic that the writers worked on, I know Dini made Ivy obviously gay but Harley was pretty damn oblvious to it until just before the reboot.

grow up yourself I was mainly complaining about the fact that they used someone elses work and was saying its canon in every universe. Also I’m fine with it. Ivy has almost always seemed gay.

Nothing is wrong with KorrAsami, I just thought if they wanted it to be canon they should have just done with a kiss, but honestly the show was going away from “Avatar having to find love at the end” and they wrote it back in for season 4. I had more problems with plot pacing/writing/fan service with that show. Season

I’m fine. I’d rather they show the creators work then show some other creators work lol

The universe is fine with it. You obviously don’t understand biology, sociology, and human decency.

Are you dense? Morality is based on human perception, not one human’s is better than another. Also, many animals in the animal kingdom have sex with the same gender. In fact, Bonobos have sex as a social greetings, connections, and often have sex to work out disagreements. You are an idiot. You know nothing of which

DC kinda turned into fetishizing all their characters lately. No offense to anyone. I am all for lesbian relationships, a big fan of the new Batwoman and always thought Ivy was gay but I’m not liking the writing in most comics . It’s less plot driven then it used to be. Also they make gimmicks up every year now to