
I’d agree except Micheal Keaton should be two, Bale was a terrible Batman, he wasn’t a detective, and he grunted like a moron.

It’s the one thing that I noticed as they did the same thing with Night of the Owls or the one that collected the Court Of Owls cross over, they leave out the final issue to sell the Batman collected ones, which in my opinion is dumb. Make the complied complete and people will then get a choice. (I would still buy

Complied edition left out the final issue of the Batman issues. The one with the Mask which is the collection of issues originally came out hard cover a few weeks after the Joker one and had the final issue as it was only the Batman issues collected. They didn’t want that one not to sell so they purposely left out the

Same here. :)

Anything Knight’s was always 90’s man. Honestly the few things DC is doing right now is basically, “Remember the 90’s? We are doing that right now.”

Scott Snyder is the comic book writer, he has no relation to the director of films.

That mega issue was missing the last main issue btw. They had purposely left it out so you’d get Death of the Family Batman titled graphic novel sales.

The fact that they break half the rules taught in Journalism 101 is glaring that they arn’t much more than Bloggers. However, in most News they’ve turned to Blogging rather than real Journalism. My professors weren’t lying when they said Journalism is dying in 2009.

I’ve seen worse s*** said from “Anti-GamerGaters” and Pro-Feminisit Frequency/The Real Writer of FemFrequency than a GamerGater. Although there are some terrible ones too. It’s not really a group either it’s a Hashtag that people use. #GamerGate not a group, Kotaku was the first to label it a “group” if using a

I think the main issue people have with Kotaku and not just GamerGaters have is that Kotaku claims to be a bunch of Journalists, but they arn’t, they are bloggers who went to Journalism school. If they just said Bloggers, which they are, no one would even bother them.

Maybe you have to be nude and drunk/drugged as michael was in gta v during his flying back foeb to earth from the aliens mission. Or thst code is just pertaining to that mission.

Wish they would remaster this game.

Wish they would remaster this game.

I remember all the hype with B.C. and it never came. *Sigh*

I found it today, the idiot who didn’t read the article.

Wait, that wasn’t canon? I thought it was?!

Can we have reactions to the Kotaku logo change?

That there just made me loose interest in this movie. I was hoping for a straight up Comic Book version showing up. Why change it to be edgy, or hot topic-ish? Wonder if all the crap on him will be sold there. Would not be surprised that they did this for the Hot Topic Merch.... *Sigh*

Go on Itunes and search for any romance novel stories from Japan there, every one of them is boys for girls.

Actually May 18th for US as the release is May 19th in Poland to Worldwide. :) 5PM PT 6PM CT and 7PM ET

No one cared who I was until I put on the mask!