
The climax has more OMG real things will happen off of this. The beginning is eh. I played it after I saw my wife's playthrough there are some changes from what you do, but this episode will bring the more fractures in choices moving forward. So yes, although the start is pretty slow without spoilers.

No one asked about a Flemeth Romance! Will there ever be a Flemeth Romance?

Well another reason to put off buying a Wii U.

Lucky you, I really wish I had gotten one before they sold out, I'm hoping they release a true Card Deck that they had in that... The playing cards do for now.

BIOWARE MUTLI-VERSE TACTICS! Make it happen Bioware!

I didn't know that was her son! COOL! Hope he stars in Farscape with her if they ever bring that back from the dead!

Didn't rule our Leliana ;)

I had another ? come to mind, if you guys still have time I understand if this gets skipped. Given that I've read World of Thedas Vol. 1 and throughout the games Codex have called Dragon Age the time that the world is set in, and so far 3-4 huge events have taken place in the Dragon Age, will we see future games maybe

Guess I will just keep 2 different games going with my Good Wardens female marrying Alistair and Good Warden Male in love with Morrigan and in their universes the other character won't find love. :( I was hoping Morrigan could be romanced again by another character if you didn't romance her in Origins. Thanks for

I understand about the Warden, although adding a voice to him/her would be fun, I guess I just look at it a different way than possibly wrecking memories, more like having fun with an old friend who isn't a mute now. Thanks for the response Mike! :)

1. Any hints that the Warden (origins character) will show up in future DLC? ;)

Well i know at E3 they mentioned DLC for Xbox first or microsoft, but I didn't know it was because they assumed sales of Xbones would be greater than Ps4 (not sure how they didn't follow the whole Xbone controversy and sales figures of PS4s the past 2 years)

I keep getting killed by those goblins, any pointers on what to do? They mob me when Prompto runs off and we find him.

Like the Witcher? Or eh?

really? Source?

2015, guy who did a similar thing in Wisconsin where I live recently did NOT get his job back after they held a court like case where he was judged by the upper brass and when they said no they got the full support of the mayor and DA that it was the right thing to do. Only in Ferguson would you might get away, but

Well since they said they wouldn't be pulling DLC stunts like Day one DLC this time round and were listening to their fans about DLC, and then BOOM can't tell you a release date, I think it's sad, it does sound like EA did it without Bioware consenting fully though. Hopefully they won't do it again as Mark said in

What is the Fall and why is Playstation drunk?

Still no native americans, I see PC shafted them again. Not that I'm surprised. That movement and anyone wanting diversity tends to ignore us/them.

Well I don't know what sex/race the joker was but it wasn't too offensive it was making fun of how Marvel really is trying to claim diversity by doing a check list, some of the changes are cool, and some of the writing of characters have been so bad it's offensive.