
Get help, you need it.

Ordered mine from Target in US on release since they had a deal for a PSN card with purchase of the game and since Dragon Age DLC will come out someday I figured why not? Instead of choosing pick up at store though I chose ship it to me since it was free and saves me gas so I have to wait 2 days hahaha.

This is Relevant!

At best you wouldn't be in Jail, I wouldn't even worry about the job haha.

Sorry if I punched my boss or anyone I'd expect to be fired, or even worse in jail for assault. Just because you aren't paid to be a nice person doesn't mean you can punch people, there are laws and rules against that.

AA AC and AO themeatically kinda work well in the order they released but that's because in AO you notice some AH HA I see where that is going to become/show up in AA and AC. But AO AA and AC is the correct order in a timeline. I'd say go by release though, AO was designed as a Prequel after you've played the other

I'm pretty sure they will be teasing us all to death at E3, and they want more awards. but god damn release it already!

I think this is the same footage shown at E3 last year.. so yeah. I think a lot has changed since. I hope at least.

Jason, been waiting a day for Kotaku to report on the Remaster rumors for AA and AC for Ps4 and Xbox One. I was hoping you guys may have been trying to find out the source, or find it to be just a rumor dead in the water. Anything being looked into on it or are you guys in the know of something and can't say anything?

Oh shut up, find real evidence. As a customer Relations and Social Media Marketer I try always to be on first name basis with everyone. That's just customer service you fool. :) Have a nice day.

Most Ubisoft DLC for Sony stuff sucks and I'm a PS4/PS3 person, I turn coated from the Xbomb after 5 Xbox 360s I played with died, and my friend had 8 die within 2-3 years time. :) Used to complain about the DLC thing with Ubisoft, once I got games for PS3 that had that DLC and it was dumb. You'll miss nothing with

What we won't tell you is that we traded the DLC practice of DLC on disc at launch for DLC exclusive deal where you will never know if you will get the DLC on other consoles. We've basically went back on our word about listening to our fans like we've been saying we have in the past 6 months regarding DLC. (I've

Now playing

Well first time ever they are getting a full Arkham Game dub (last three where just subbed) and there are some limited and collector editions still available to import where they are sold out here in the US. The full dub made it so Japan version was coming out a month after US release and it also is a PS4 exclusive

At least Xbox and PC get the Dragon age DLC today.... *Sigh*

Go look through your couch and raid that piggy! Get yourself a PS4! You are missing out!

I'm not sure I never notice it in the ACTUAL games of the PS4 when playing, but I do notice when viewing a video I've made after using the share function or twitch that it looks way more blur/motion is a bit weak like you mention. But not while playing thank GOD!

You're fucking shitty right he didn't!

I have no idea if I want this game or not. I'm very mixed bag. Since I'm a PS4 guy I think I should probably get this, much like the Order (I did enjoy it for what it was) and since this is Victorian theme I should dig it, and if Victory does come out then this year will be the year of the Victorian Games, Bat, and

So far I bought Final Fantasy Type - 0 for the Demo, and since I haven't played O yet I probally won't be getting Bloodborne yet until I actually try to play this game first. :)

I went out, bought Type-0 from my local game store, came home, downloaded the Final Fantasy XV demo, and, less than an hour later, sold it back to the game store. The clerk didn't even bat an eye. In short, I "rented" the game and "bought" the demo.