
Origins Bane in Arkham series was pretty damn smart, and they sorta explained how he became stupid at the end, :) However, Clearly in Arkham Asylum Bane was being drugged with Titan and Batman even said 5 times you are smarter than this Bane. Bane was pretty smart in City again but he is a drug addict and that's what

Added on to that existing frustration is the fact that Monolith tweaked Mordor's health system for The Bright Lord so that you have to sacrifice branded orcs any time you want to heal yourself. The developers didn't add any new features that actually make managing your small army of branded orcs more feasible and

SOM was the first game to feel next gen, other than Infamous:Second Son, although I could see Infamous scaled back for the PS3 the Nemsis System could not be. It was never going to work, old gen is dead soon, that's how it should be.

It's actually better than Gears of War and has a good story and isn't as bad as Kirk claims, not sure how he couldn't follow the story or understand quality work. Don't judge the game based on this biased and stupid review. I've played it for 10 hours so far and it has been awesome. Everything the developers ever said

Hey idiot! YEAH YOU! You are an idiot for listening to Kotaku instead of playing it for yourself. all you wanted from Steampunk is in this. It literally is a dark political satire. Kirk doesn't get it, because he never follows story well. It's a great game about 10 hours in and not even done yet. It is great. People

You need to get a different reviewer. This game is a must play it is awesome, think Gears of War but Victorian Steampunk England with Werewolves. It has bullet time like Max Payne for the pistol, the weapons are cool, and there ARE Quick time Events but NOT a lot of them, also there is a story and it's a GOOD story.

Before they make a new handheld they need to boost Vita, get vita to be a seller somehow, otherwise the next handheld will just be another Vita.

Looks like DC hasn't gotten past Dark and Gritty yet... Sigh...

While I agree, I wouldn't say just fun though, as often if it's based on the person being fun then sometimes the relationship dies when real life comes into the picture. I'd say a mix of fun as well as you show interest into the girl. I was terrible with girls in high school as I didn't know how to show interest

Fruits and imports for foodwise will be affected in the near future, prices will go up. :) Have fun if you live in the west coast.

I just got an email from them today for freeing Kyrat, I beat the game 2 months ago... lol

How about giving the abuser fuel to the fire to show to relatives to make an even bigger problem. Yeah, that wasn't smart. The adult who doesn't want their parents there and believes sending a letter like that NEEDS help. Therapy will help. It's just more obvious. Honestly, the abused is still playing the victim and

Keep in mind that Iwata is talking to boring investor types. That, and this Metacritic chest thumping is depressing.

Last month, the Paris offices of satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo were attacked, leaving twelve dead. Recently, however, famed Japanese animator Hayao Miyazaki said he believes the French paper's Muhammad cartoons were a "mistake."

All of these have the original Japanese audio as well as English. Disney is releasing the blu rays right. Not sure how you don't know this... I own these so I know. Most dubs of Ghibli are the best dubs of Anime because they are usually professionally done by Disney.

I know from the inside source that Gamestop actually cancelled and double orders that East coast did, a lot of angry scalpers had to try to get it from BB or Target for their second one because they needed to learn a lesson in greed.

Don't worry, Central didn't even have a chance either. East coast snatched them up, but Gamestop did cancel double orders that douches in the east coast made to scalp them to us Central and West coast USA people.

You forgot to mention the remaster is uncensored, my PS2 version of North American release was censored for it's time. This one is the European version. Honestly hoping it comes out for PS4 though..

There are Two Barack Obamas?! Gotta see those birth certificates!

And then they will do the cycle they always do, they will overproduce product of limited stuff because all of a sudden consumers aren't buying into their BS so they make more to sell and make customers happy, then they produce too much, then they go back to the limited BS not saying how much is made to create a