
No no no, it should be " Scrolls of Doom" Dishonored Fallout Prey 2" to really put salt in the wounds.

As other retailers started taking pre-orders, the bungles just got worse. On January 14—announcement day—Best Buy took a whole bunch of orders for about an hour. A few days later, they realized that they had oversold—or maybe Nintendo just didn't give them a big enough supply—so they cancelled for anyone who had

Sorry my internet froze so it sent 1 message three times. :)

Kids do read, that's grossly misjudging them. In fact children want to read, and if kids aren't reading it's because they aren't being taught to read, my state is starting to lag behind on reading efficiency when they used to be the top because people want less taxes but don't get that the children are the future of

I think when you buy disc you should have a printed manual, you bought it to be non-digital. It's stupid that we just accept it, we literally accept companies being lazy and cheap as acceptable. It sucks, because then companies get lazy other ways too. I actually wonder if they get more complaints now from parents

I've yet to see someone using the word "dumbfuck" who wasn't a total idiot. Try communicating with non-asshole words for a change.

I've yet to see someone using the word "dumbfuck" who wasn't a total idiot. Try communicating with non-asshole words for a change.

I have yet to see someone using the word "dumbfuck" who wasn't a total idiot. Try using non-asshole language when communicating for a change.

A game without input, is it really a game?

Can I please just ask for an Attack on Titan game made proper for the PS4, (or pc and all next gen systems) Please?! I want one so badly. UGH!

Some importers try to skirt these rules, illegally, by swapping the VIN from an older car onto a newer one. That's what federal officials allege happened with a 2000 Mini Cooper in New Jersey in December; they claim that car had a 1988 VIN plate that belied its modern stereo and airbags, which is why they had to crush

This is why we love you Yannick, keep up the great work.

I think they went for the more known approach then the historical. Which has happened before with AC, they try, but at times, like this, it doesn't seem to be that big of a deal.

She's not really your sister though, her dad just happens to be your Guardian and you are his Ward, Like Batman and the original Robin.

Native Americans have been respected as their past, but their folklore hasn't even had a fantasy game or story. There was one recently released but that was the Inuit tribe and nothing of the tribes in the rest of the continent. What I'm saying is, you need to have nigerians to have that representation present, I know

What I'm saying is, you can stand in a field and say there aren't enough trees represented here, and 5 miles away theres a forest. We USA people are western and so we see everything with a western lens and often then not a western type of storytelling is told. How would we make a fantasy based on Nigerian Folklore if

Also think of where these things are made, and where we are consuming them. I am sure that the places that we are talking more fantasy should come from DO make stories rooted in their own cultures. Kotaku is often blinded by what they only see in the world around them and don't think of beyond their walls.

I wouldn't say too many, because of that. That's making blame for something that is only what we see because a lot of people relate to it having ancestors from Europe. There are many fantasy made in other countries we don't see in USA.

Kinda like real life.

yeah, mainly just to play the story... (I'd much prefer a KOTOR 3, but that will never happen *sigh*)