
Movies, Games, they don't hire writers, they make up concepts and just kinda make it up as they go now days. Writers are practically dead.

Since it's the one game of this past year that made my Wife want to play, and she hasn't played dragon age before, but she loved this one and the characters. I'd say that made it Game of the Year for me. They over-achieved and I actually finally am excited for the next Dragon Age ( I liked II but I knew there was

12 to 0 to 4, she might be thinking he's getting it elsewhere, they need help clearly, but she might have rational things. We don't know what they fought about. Hell who knows if he's telling us everything. Also he should be seeking professional guidence, not a blogger. It's stupid.

Nope, like I said on here, we haven't heard her/ his story. I never believe a 1 sided story completely. I honestly see signs of sexual addiction, and I know what having Mono and a relationship like this can happen. Mono sucks really bad (I had effects of it for 6 months) and he probably is going through it too. I can

Have you read his twitter? have you looked into it at all? His name is on her "twittter" as the writer. but she's reported as the person behind the twitter, when she isn't. Same with the blog, and that's OKAY? Yah, no. I don't think harassment is okay, but he DOES try to "get it" from people, and those that want/cause

Sexual addiction does happen, she is going through some issues on her end too, we haven't heard it, so to call her such things is awful and not advice. Hormones cna make you do and say crazy things, especially when addiction is invovled.

They were having sex 12 times went to 0 and then only 4 times. It's more of a sign they both had a sexual addiction going on. She could be addicted, and hormones could be a problem. You're taking it as an excuse. We haven't heard her side. We don't know the whole story.

Well sexual frustration often drives people to say and do crazy things. If they were having sex 12 times and went from that to zero to only a few times, there might have been an addiction problem, hormones factor into that as well making everything screwy. We also are only hearing his side of the story. (Not that

Your thing on the rules with the logo is how LOGOS for every company operate, having Graphic Design under my belt and my wife who makes logos, that's just common stuff. I just have to shake my head at you.

Because it's true? He's her writer it's plastered on everything they do. He literally gets joy out of it all. It's creepy. If people actually reported on Anita and not her harassment, people would not praise her as much. The almost always leave out that she has a male writer who writes everything she reads off of in

Rave, and its from the game Catherine.

Threatening to break up with you if you don't recover? Red flag. Blaming you for all of her problems and demanding that they be your top priority? Red flag. Forcing you to quit talking to somebody because she's irrationally jealous? BIIIIG red flag. Picking who you can be friends with? This is known as "isolating" and

Right now you're standing on the edge of what is an increasingly toxic and abusive relationship and frankly, it's probably only going to get worse from here on out.

Not sure what you mean by that. But that is why I think she is a fraud and lacks credibility because I looked into what she wrote, then I found all the shit he's behind and that he's actually the writer of her blog and twitter account and I realized it's not worth my time even caring about other then trying to point

I'm going by the fact that Jonathan McIntosh actually writes her tweets, and blogs, and everything else. She is his face for Feminisim. If you look at his twitter is fucking effed up and he's admitted to getting trolls to attack her page for the attention. So posting all the trolls in a blog (he actually wrote) is

Most of her Twitter feed, and what she says in blog posts, and in her videos are written by her boy friend. If you read her thesis she thanks this guy for everything, and he is the sole writer for her video game videos. He's said on more than once on his feed and other places he tweets things to get harassment to

Now, it's of an opinion in some cases who is an asshole, sure there are trolls that everyone hates, but then there's those jerks that hate you for a different opinion and would do that to you just for it.

Hope they get the SJW trolls I've seen too that you guys seem to ignore. Those are as much of a pain as some of the Gamergate people. (Neutral on it since I see the points and stupidity on both sides. Not a Anita fan as she's most likely a fake, doesn't actually respond to real criticism and both her and her

Termina — a surreal, compact world with distorted echoes of Hyrule everywhere you go — is doomed. A grotesquely grimacing moon is falling towards the earth and there seems to be no way to stop it. You have 72 hours — approximately one real-world hour — to make your mark upon the land before the world ends. After the

Simple having a graphic design wife and being in digital advertising. Blue and Orange are considered beautiful to the human eye. Honestly, you didn't even say that but that's the real truth....