
Have you played Be the Zombie mode? It makes me feel like an evil dark Spiderman.

More like they treat him like a creepy uncle that is also still a villain because he's doops crazy.

What have they DONE!? WHY!?!!!?!?!?!?

What if the wooden person wanted to be a real boy though?! or if one said, "There are no strings on ME!"

The radio and how people treated you changed with Karma both in that and 3. I'm fine with teh Karma system but they should make more grey choices, or have people find x choice great and y choice bad even if they both where "good karma" as in WHY DID YOU LET THAT ASSHOLE LIVE?, and THANKS FOR SAVING THE TOWN!

From USA and strong believer that not having sex in media is actually worse than violence, especially if you look at crime shows, action movies women often are brutalized. At least in sex everyone is a winner (I'm talking when both people can consent and do.) I think it's weird here how people often shun sex, and

Didn't feature Anita Sarkeesian so they didn't have time. ;)

The Game is awesome. Best Zombie game on the PS4. Love it so far, and I'm usually not a huge Zombie game fan.

But you called it conquest, Geralt wasn't Conquesting.. Not sure why. Also, Maturity is based on opinion, your definition you keep using here isn't thee "correct one" only.

What is Mature? I think you keep using that word, but you don't really understand it. Mature isn't defined by your personal opinions. Mature literally means fully grown, and Maturity is only based on opinion.

Kotaku would call the great works Porn though. Because you know Social Justice!

Don't worry, Kotaku and friends have been trying to knock the witcher down because it is from Europe and contains sex, strong independent women, and SEX. THE WITCHER CAN HAVE SEX!!! HIDE YOUR CHILDREN! That's pretty much what Kotaku is about with the Witcher, because it goes against their SWJ bs.

Really? All partners have been willing, and both openly suggest it at times through both games, there isn't a conquest, and the witcher often finds strong independent women attractive.

Yup, once I realized he pretty much writes her stuff if not more than she writes anything. (Honestly her final thesis she praises him for everything, and he took her under his wing and stuff.) It's pretty much a BS thing they are doing and Kotaku and Polygon don't even bother to dig deep enough into their story to

She can't get thicker skin, her writer directs too much hate to her "page", that twitter page, isn't even hers, she does post sometimes, but her writer boyfriend or w.e. he is (they go back since she started being a feminist) is pulling the strings.

Not to mention if you find out her real writer is and just how deep that rabbit hole of insanity goes. She's playing the game, and I honestly think her writer, a male, is playing everyone.

Just gotta correct you. 1. She doesn't post this content, in fact most of her page, isn't even written by her, but by her writer, a male, by the name of Jonathan Mcintosh who can be found here:

Just gotta correct you. 1. She doesn't post this content, in fact most of her page, isn't even written by her, but by her writer, a male, by the name of Jonathan Mcintosh who can be found here:

Yeah it was Kotaku and Polygon and one other they hated. I never bothered with it more than watching the first month and then morons on both sides got involved and it just got bloated into some big jerk fest. I just wasn't sure if maybe they did just boycott Joystiq or w.e. because you know.. they were pretty nuts

No Jason I meant the 18% drop in traffic not AOL lol. but my guess is bad luck .