
Worse is that I think they'd like to as a company. Sometimes though the click bait whiney complainy articles wake me up from their siren song. Rob at i09 seems to hate everything I love which reminds me to be mindful while reading Gawker.

Last week, the AOL-owned TechCrunch reported that their parent company was planning a restructure that would lead to layoffs and site closures. Though TechCrunch didn't offer specifics on which sites AOL would be closing, the report did mention that Joystiq's traffic had declined by 18% in the last year.

Choices aren't "moral." Geralt isn't really good or evil, and that comes out in the choices The Witcher 3 offers you. Sometimes it's about role-playing Geralt as either a stoic malcontent or someone who's a bit more open with strangers, a bit more willing to turn down payment if he sees that people are on a shoestring

Related but not related. How cool would it be if Sony comes out with a Batarang DS4 Controller for Arkham Knight? I'd buy two instantly, and I'm not saying a paint job but it actually takes the controller and makes the handles batarang like as if you could throw it. I might be the only one but the nerd in me would go

Any word how I can get my $25 for the Vita Lies they made settlement case?

If you hadn't had sex in 3 years, how could you have an infant son?

Ah, see this is the problem with me watching one and the other being similar hahaha

How about instead of coins, we just put bombs in, give 'em everything.

Exactly that's why there is the phrase "Don't negotiate with Terrorists."

If I remember right though, this was still based on Votes and not really factual.


Not to mention all the child actors you work with who never seem to grow up. You're around freaks all your career.

Like a sequel to Majora's Mask of what happens to Link afterwards.

Since Playstation 4 is one of the biggest things they got going for Sony right now I doubt they wouldn't try one more time to at least get half the market for Handheld. I mean the PS Vita has the power of a limited PS3, I'm sure they can do better and learned from their misstakes. I think Vita has a wonderful design

Yeah, that is the only sad thing about the Vita, I waited until a 16 gb was cheap at Gamestop but before then I lasted a long while with 8gb that came with my system at launch. I honestly want the Vita to be popular. It is a better system than the 3DS but because of that it killed it before it was fully born.

If they bought it at $400 the last few weeks, they just got Xboned.

Ah I commented before reading she didn't have screwdrivers around, assumed it was a normal household. :) I have many screwdrivers so I should be fine, but I understand the annoyance this makes for changing memory.

nah it's the normal, not cancelling as the UK only gets the game with the system, so I'm in need of a Game anyways. :) I love Zelda but I didn't need a statue of Skull Kid, Batman takes the cake for collector's editions, I don't really get many collector's editions.

And don't even get me started on the headaches around transferring accounts and games. Get this: you can only have your Nintendo Network ID account active on one 3DS at a time. Except, Nintendo banks on many users having multiple 3DSes. That's why they're not packing the power cord into the boxes with the new 3DS: