
To be fair, she looks as surprised as anyone.

Having lived in Florida all my life, one of my biggest fears is one day ending up in the news as a "Florida Woman."

"Sorry, my priorities changed, and you're not one of them."

But the photographer is just "taking pictures of people" - he is specifically seeking out women. If it were a site devoted to everyone who eats on their commute and poking fun at them, fine, it's just a silly website. It becomes a "gender issue" when the critical eye is turned only on women (when EVERYONE does this!).

It is. I know, because it's one of mine. However, I in no way approve of what's going on with that group.

It is all about catching. You see, women aren't supposed to eat. The thrill is in the gotcha.

Except that black men got to vote before white women. Black men got to join the miltiary before white women. Black men got to go to college before white women. It was illegal to rape a Black man before it was illegal to rape a married white woman (199-fucking-3. Look it up). Black men got to be scientists,

Am I the only person that can see that by constantly bringing attention to race we are doing exactly what our government wants? They want us to fight about petty things like cultural and racial differences to distract us from the important things that are taking place within our government. We are perpetuating racial

Your obese neighbours probably live-cam that shit and have thousands of fans worldwide.

I really am surprised at how hateful people are being about the OC's heritage. I get that lots of white folk claim Native ancestry in a gross way, but she outrightly said what damn tribe she belongs to. If she said she was black and people jumped down her throat demanding to know what African tribe she was from,

I knew as soon as I read your comment that you were going to get all kinds of shit, but I can't believe people are calling your ethnicity into question. I guess your opinions are too white, therefore you're not Native American enough? It's all very... Jezebel.

Did I miss something here? Because I don't see anything in this article to indicate that "basic bitches" are appropriating anybody's culture. It's just a term to describe bland white folks who are doing white folk things. Really, what am I missing here?

I'm white as white as straight can be. I didn't realise my privilege until I started reading Jez, and I'm glad I've had the opportunity to be educated. But every time I see the "white tears" brigade arrive I get one step closer to walking away from here. After all the good things I've learned, I don't want to leave

My last girlfriend was basic (but I'd never use the word "bitch" to describe her, for a wide variety of interesting reasons that I've mostly learned from Jezebel readers thank you all for enlightening this meathead). I loved her for it.

You know I've been hanging around here too long when the phrase, "middle age shaming" is a thing I seriously consider writing.

I saw this video last week and, although I did find parts of it pretty funny, it was mostly misogynistic crap. Just another edition of, "everything women do is stupid and should be criticized." Enough with the labeling and basic-ing and calling everyone bitches. No, thanks.

Actually I'm not. Nice to see you have actual substance for an argument rather than a vague character assassination in accusing me of dishonesty. God forbid you actually put any due dilligence into refuting a common sense point rather than just trumping up what you can come up with on a whim.

Yeah, for real. Why are we giving this idea currency? In its current usage in the mainstream, it's like a perfect distillation of "girls suck" pigeonholing. The way I've seen it used is a way for us to nurture our internalized sexism: it encourages misogynist posturing like "I'm not like those other, shitty women. I'm

I love the fact that with every year, I approach being too old for this shit.