
This would be a great plot for a Z grade body horror movie in which the mutant twin girls bring justice to their horrible sexist Frankenstein by killing and eating him.

Because Jesus was the original PUA (picking up people TO HEAVEN) and if he actually had a wife and settled down, it would mean he lost his swag. Or something like that.

Internalizing messages about what women's bodies are supposed to be and how they're objects of public ownership, most likely.

In the last four years, Arizona has cut every single one of its child-related services except for Child Protective Services. Including slashing a subsidized childcare program that would have helped 33,000 families. It makes me insane that this story is so often framed in terms of one woman's individual choices—as

Yeah, it's pretty obvious that it's tongue-in-cheek, but no one here ever misses an opportunity to call Lena narcissistic!

I wish she'd just said that she hates all the homos. Then, at least, someone would have something to bitch about.

I honestly can see why someone would rather not have their name shortened into cutesy titles that fit ragmags so wonderfully. And hey, maybe not calling someone a name they find distasteful is a sign of respect in that, no one likes being called something they aren't. I, for one, hate being called honey. I find it

I'm going to act like she didn't even write that part about a possible relationship between my cheese consumption and my torn meniscus.

How much do you want to bet Stephanie Meyer is kicking herself for not using "Blood Moon" as the titles of one of the Twilight sequels?

Because someone's bodily integrity and identity doesn't end with their face.

Remind me again when Jez featured celebrity up skirt photos?

Here Here! Also - as a embarrassingly large fan of the show 'Nashville', I can't help but root for him to just make out with ANYONE. He is such a good looking dude with some great acting skills. BRING ON THE SCRUFF LOVE!

Old Daario seems like he was cast by a straight man. New Daario seems like he was cast by a straight woman.

I read enough romance novels in my teen years to be convinced that Old Daario knows his way around a heaving bodice better than New Daario can even imagine.

Well frankly I'm disappointed in you all. *covers new Daario's ears* It's Lovely Liam from Nashville and he's lovely! Mind you, he's too nice for Dany so I should just keep him for myself.

I haven't watched yet, but yay Indira Varma!!

am i the only commenter who is saying yes to New Daario?? old Daario was too Faabio for my tastes. New Daario is dirty-hot.

I just hope Fassbender knows how to duck when she throws a phone at him.

Is this like Bob Dylan's Victoria's Secret commerical?

Nothing about him defending Roman Polanski? I mean, after all, Polanski isn't likely to attack <i>Johnny's</i> daughter. <i>He</i> can afford bodyguards.