Thanks for listing that. Pompeii is so fascinating, especially in what it says about human nature.
Thanks for listing that. Pompeii is so fascinating, especially in what it says about human nature.
I feel like that day is already here for real people, but the media hasn't caught on yet. When I was a newly out teenager, there were still gay film festivals and a lot more interest paid to which gay actor was doing what, with much theory on the subtext and secret gay support indicated therein.
It's definitely the cutest, and looks like something my cats would chase till they collapsed. They already stalk my backyard geckos. This would be their dream prey.
Cyriaque, I wish you had your own panel discussing comic books. I would so go to that.
What I can't stand are all the marketing misfires predicated on the idea that Comic Con attendees are socially desperate and immature. I know that attitude is everywhere, but if I have to hear one more "virgin living in mom's basement" joke, I'm going to knife someone. And that attitude is condescendingly obvious in…
Bjork is hit or miss with me, and this isn't a hit. Cool video, though.
There's been a concerted effort to make her less annoying, I think. I've noticed it too - she's not as petulant and she doesn't do that head-tilt as often.
It's not clear to me if he understands he's now a were. He had the reaction to the full moon comment, because Crystal had mentioned it, but he's not actually mentioned, "Not only was I gang-raped, I'm now part-panther." That might influence his plans on arresting them.
So we'll have another battle between Sookie's flashing hands and the dead witch spirit? There'll be some kind of showdown probably.
It worked for me both ways. Besides, Jessica is getting more devious and restless every episode and it's just a matter of time before she goes hogwild. We'll have a sex scene soon (although the actress has allegedly refused to do nudity.)
I've been looking forward to Eric's amnesia but let's be honest, this Eric is a dud. He was far hotter when he was suave and lofty and tricking Sookie into drinking his blood.
I find myself anticipating this more than I thought I would. The first season disappointed me so much, but then my expectations were high; now that they're not, I think I can just accept it as is.
I love that movie, even the parts that play a bit dated now.
I did not know that.
The Snow Queen is ripe with potential. The whole story reads like a sexual allegory of innocent love versus sex-blind physical addiction.
I've never read it, but decided this week to pick it up. It's that good?
Telemundo SyFy would become my favorite channel ever.
I need a really good new comic book. I hope this is it.
"It's like someone created a scientific formula for how to create an annoying teenage boy character, and then somehow grew the result in a vat."
I was impressed by the pilot. I didn't find the cast all that charismatic, other than the local father and his psychic daughter, but I think the story and atmosphere was really fresh and pulled you right in.