I saw the pilot and I think you were right originally. I interpreted it as they will be discovering different repercussions and manifestations of one central magical system, so it will have variety but still operate within a contained storyline.
I saw the pilot and I think you were right originally. I interpreted it as they will be discovering different repercussions and manifestations of one central magical system, so it will have variety but still operate within a contained storyline.
This was my issue - I liked the pilot, but that view-jumping Paranormal Activity style does not seem sustainable for an entire series.
Yeah, I was there and the reactions were not good. A mix of derisive laughter and impatience - but to be fair, I think that's because most of us were eager to see Alcatraz and then get down to the Exhibit Hall, and this delayed it. Maybe if it was shown to an anime-oriented audience, the reactions would have been more…
The yeti plushy is actually at booth 4636.
No, I'm very literal and that was my first thought.
Booth? They just had the three scents at CBLDF, right? Please tell me I didn't miss an entire booth.
I love that actress. She so sells the character.
Ewww, thanks for that image. LOL.
I actually thought the grandmother was Katherine on Twin Peaks. Shows what I know.
That was when I started going. I remember being able to attend panels almost on top of each other because all you had to do was hustle from room to room. Also nice: I ran into a lot more old friends because it wasn't as crowded.
That sounds cool. I would much prefer that over having my senses sandblasted.
To me, that picture says Batman is a dom lounging on a cushion and ordering Superman to disrobe as part of an audition to become his sub.
Granted I have a sensitive nose, but there is always a point at the Con (usually on Saturday) when I don't even want to breathe in the Exhibit Hall anymore.
Yeah, I'm the ultimate Lynch fan and every now and then, I decide there has to be some kind of value or angle in Dune I just didn't find before. Then I try to watch it again and no, no, there really isn't.
Do comic book readers even go to SDCC anymore? I hear so much online wailing about the Con not being about comic books, and yet when I'm there, some of the comic booths in the Exhibit Hall are almost a ghost town. I see crowds looking for discount trades and back issues, but that's about it.
Yeah, I think the protest is a futile effort but I agree with the ideology behind it. This feels like a case where exterior changes are being substituted for genuine creativity.
I have a Comic Con guide of my own at ... wait for it .... comicconguide.com.
Voldemort's is my favorite.
That was amazing. I get the feeling Harris is sick to death of writing these books, so maybe you can work out a ghosting arrangement with her.