
Ditto. My favorite episodes are Humbug and Small Potatoes. I also preferred the assorted characters you saw on the MOW episodes as opposed to the conspiracy ones (excepting CSM of course.)

I'm so glad asexuals are getting legitimacy and recognition. Our culture's insistence on hypersexualizing happiness is ridiculous.

1 - I can tell you that when I went through a serious bout of anemia, my sex drive flickered out and my devotion to projects was amazing. Such concentration and focus! The only problem was that I was tired from the anemia.

I think this is true for lots of people - as someone who has no interest in marriage, I've had to accept the disappearance of many of my friends into marriage/kids. On the one hand, I think it's reasonable that people have less time as their commitments increase - on the other, I think our couple-fixated society

Nick Cave and Del Toro are pretty much the best combination ever.

Can't wait to read Celluloid.

I've been thinking the same thing each episode. I could watch an entire series just about them.

Seriously, that was on a par with confiding in your hairstylist. It struck me as clumsy and laborious compared to the rest of the episode. Though I do like Roz.

Is it me or do Ned and Cersei have this weird sexual tension? It distracts me everytime they have a scene together.

I am so on board with this.

He was my childhood crush. This has made me sadder than expected.

What about Bigfoot and Wild Boy?

Is Buffy really that good? Like, if I run out of TV shows to watch, should I try it? It's never looked that promising to me but everyone does talk a lot about it.

The only fairytale-themed anything I've liked has been Angela Carter's The Bloody Chamber. Well, and Fables, of course, but I don't see a TV show being able to work Bill Willingham's magic - he has a gift for taking something inherently silly and making it seem relevant and interesting.

I watched their movie recently On Demand and it was charming in places, but they really need to drop the pretense that they represent a radical deviation from aesthetic norms. Some critic said that they look like a cheerleading squad given a makeover at Hot Topic and I'm inclined to agree.

Please. Nan should realize that a shirtless Eric PR campaign would be the fastest way to erase the Russell mess. It's obvious that vampires are sex symbols for a lot of women and "look how hot we are" is a great distraction from "look how savage we are."

I want to see Claude the male stripper. The fairies have great potential, we just haven't seen it yet.

A superhero fetish Hooters is a seriously marketable idea.

It "posed" for photographs?

Sam's storyline felt perfunctory. I get the feeling the writers don't really know how to write for his character anymore. And I could see them approaching that point with Dean. They've done their family issues to death and neither brother has a love life, so I'm curious what they're going to tackle for them beyond