Ha, did you like The Grandmother? I wish he would do more stuff like that.
Ha, did you like The Grandmother? I wish he would do more stuff like that.
I'm kind of hoping they hint at some really outrageous proportions with various tented blankets and whatnot. Kind of like when Jason OD'ed on V in Season 1 and he had a massive boner in the ER.
My thoughts exactly.
You really think so? I've always thought the men eclipsed the women in TB. Dawn was the hottest woman IMO and I'm still pissed she was killed off so fast.
Sounds like a Love and Rockets story.
That gave me the shivers. How eerie and beautiful.
I'm Not Jesus, Mommy sounds a documentary I would make about the women in my neighborhood who act like their kids are all future Nobel prize winners.
Agreed. I thought her bone structure was unique and perfect for the role, and I liked that she had a realistically curvy body.
Thanks for the explanation. I believe it. I followed the show perfectly but my friends who haven't read the books had trouble understanding how everyone was connected.
Drogo was indeed hot. One thing the show has done right is cast people who are uniquely attractive and don't look like they fell out of 2011 Los Angeles with capped teeth and nosejobs.
I was really pleased with the casting (and stunned I'd been pronouncing everyone's names correctly in my head. I am terrible at that.) I can't even remember the last time a book made it to the screen as such a perfect mirror of the way it all went in my mind. So much so that this show might actually have the power to…
What? A supernatural being "needs to be protected" and has no agency or power but working in a sideshow and having sex with old men? I really hope there's a cogent backstory for her circumstances. Lucifer was a fallen angel and he got to rule over Hell. Megan Fox gets to be a paranormal concubine.
That planet was my exact idea as a kid of what the sea monkey kingdom looked like, except here the sea monkeys are albino.
Brilliant. At least I can watch the irritating ads with some amusement now.
I always felt like they were too committed to the idea of Jack as the dying hero. As the show developed organically, it was obvious that Sawyer was becoming the deeper, more compelling characters who was a huge fan favorite, and the final emphasis on Jack's heroism (and his relationship with Kate, which never rang…
I'm 5'4 and frequently think people are taller than they really are. I do think build comes into play, because long lean people look taller to me than wider people.
I would kill to see that with Aidan.
I would like to see grunge Aidan and hippie Aidan. Maybe Renaissance Aidan if he's old enough.
I'm excited for American Vampire and the final Suicide Forest. And possibly Godzilla.