
I live in Costa Rica, where it usually happens the other way around. US-exclusive releases are waved on our face with almost gleeful malice, and because Netflix is pretty much the only game in town (Amazon is here but has the poorest selection ever in the region), there’s tons of great stuff we don’t get to stream. So

Because it wasn’t Waluigi.

I once asked my teacher why did intelligent people do stupid things. She said an intelligent person can build a nuclear bomb, yet be dumb enough to launch it. It is wisdom and common sense that keep the idiocy at bay, not the intelligence.

As a carelessly overweight person who didn’t care about labels until heart disease reared its ugly head, let me tell you that carelessly overweight people don’t care about labels unless heart disease rears its ugly head.

Personally, I’d say this works best to homes with small kids, where the parents are in charge of the accounts.  If you’re giving the console to anyone old enough to be self-sufficient, let them deal with the update stuff.

I think this goes back to “The force awakens”, and all the stuff she could accomplish without one bit of training, which infuriated a lot of people because it felt like unearned rewards, compared to how other Jedi had it. That has stuck with some people, who feel everything was handed down to her. To summarize it as

Mine would be “Where the Devil Lost his Jacket”. It’s a Costarrican saying which refers to any place that is too far away.  It would serve mostly far-out hot and spicy food.

Now, excuse me while I finish this cup of plain old coffee. (Let’s see them get clever with a name for that.)

Is there a chance that the Fine Art section can make references to what each image is about? While some are clear and known references, some others are rather obscure (and I mean across different posts, not just this one). I could use knowing more about each piece if any info is available.

Hello.  My name is Bat-Dork. You made me laugh today.  Prepare to be thanked!

Nope nope nope nope NOPE!!!

When it comes to opinions about restaurants, I trust one opinion only:  My own.  Not just because of situations like the one above, but also because in the end, it is about what I think of the menu, what it tasted to me like, and what MY experience with the service felt like.  People tend to be very vengeful or very

I’m from Costa Rica, where the servers have a base salary and complement it with tips. The catch: tips are not optional, a 10% tip is mandated by law in the form of a “service tax” that gets divided among the front room crew. So what we get is more or less this:

Maybe you should, against your better judgement, make a free-for-all, do-your-worst photoshop contest where the main goal is get banned for life.  Home of the most disturbing 4-am, send-to-friends-while-drunk content.

Well, there’s Gangsta rap in the background, so I’d say 50-cent percent.

You know what?  Bioshock Infinite was actually my first Bioshock.  I loved it head to toe, and the DLC episodes in Rapture were the ones that drove me to play the other two.  I was marveled at all the parallels and overall experience.  I guess it was luck that I played them in that order.

I see what you did there (lol). The sad thing about it is that, save for the clever potion naming, it might be a very real microtransaction.

Agreed.  It’s got the same bones.  The difference is all about the shoujo muscle at least as far as I can see in the videos.

Same exact thought. FitSwitch sounds catchier though.

I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, until I heard of the 400-page complaint. The sound of the sentence alone conveys a fanatic level of obsession. I have vegan friends, and I get their reasoning, but boy, there are vegans that need to chill, and this lady sounds like the kind of vegan that confuses thei