
If I understand it correctly, it is because rules do not allow discriminating against the person who comes with the support animal, and asking said person to move happens to match discriminating against that person, precisely because of the animal. Therefore the rule, stupid as it sounds, means that the way these

This comment was onemy-foot-in-your-ass” short of a Red Foreman m0tivational speech.  And I’m loving it nonetheless.

My mom used to berate me for pulling out the phone when the family went out to restaurants. Then I got her a smartphone and she discovered social media. She glues herself to that thing so bad, I stopped pulling my phone out when we dine because I realized that was how zombified I looked to her.  Oddly enough, while I

If you consider that Talon in Spanish means “heel”, what you have there is not a criminal organization, so much as a foot fetish club with a penchant for bad science.

I think the only valid rule for hot dogs is “put whatever you like in them, and if that’s how you like them, screw the world!”.  

Expected at least one “Leeroy Jenkins/At least I have chicken” entry.  Left disappointed. 

You may not be comfortable with the term and you make a compelling argument, but the truth of the matter is people are comfortable using the word. They are not going to stop because you say so. If I had to learn to live with abominations like “Selfie” and “YOLO”, then you can learn to live with Metroidvania.

I agree with Cecilia here.  Whether it is Evangelion, or anything else for that matter, different people have different tastes. Even “universally likable” stuff has its detractors.  One of the wonderful things about humanity is precisely how we can be of so many different opinions and interpretations.  Knowing how to

I have a rule: If a complain about anything comes up in social media, I make no waves about it until verified by a third party such as an actual news outlet. Social media posts are only one side of the story, and there is so much false information out there that trusting them at face value is simply not wise.

International House of Puns.  It’ll be a success with the dads.

I think so too, but to be honest, since I don’t look at controllers when playing games, I could live with it.  I am not going to pre-order it though.  I’ll wait to hear reviews, hands-on impressions, and mostly, confirm whether or not I can plug this thing to a PC or console.

Ugh! A thousand times UGH!! It sickens me that people do have this kind of tendency. So a woman could craft a wondrously superior beer, and people would consider it of less value merely because it was made by a woman? That is completely backwards, and I hope people who think so drown in their imaginary

I think this mini console thing has been going about it the wrong way. The demand did prove that there’s a market, but if you ask me, what they should have done was:

I wonder if vegan people will support (and maybe eat?) this type of meat, or if we’ll have any who thinks even lab-grown meat is a problem.

When you say “I don’t like X”, the only question that should come out of anyone else’s mouth is “What would you like instead?”.  I get it if there’s maybe one or two logical follow-up questions like “why don’t you like it?”, but if I am telling you that I don’t like something, then don’t go full

I’d put it this way.  Spirit Airlines micro-itemizes everything when selling you a flight, down to even your boarding pass which they HAVE to issue.  They see it as a way for you to pay only what you need.  People see it as hidden fees, and it’s one of the reasons why Spirit is qualified as the worst airline in the

I think Nintendo should issue their own Amiibo cards.  The concept is genius.

I’d say, experiment with new flavors, get creative with the food so people can count on having something new every now and then. Also, figure out if the town enjoys a certain activity and bring it to your place if possible. Maybe the local kids will come to a Smash Bros tournament if the inscription fee is a slice and

My bet is the driver moves below the speed limit in the passing lanes. An old Fox News columnist I know would have called this an “obliviot” (a portmanteau of oblivious and idiot).

We have a large family (45 people distributed in 6 households). It got to the point where finding an individual gift for everyone was a daunting, expensive task, and we had trouble figuring out what everyone would really want. Lots of socks and T-shirts made their way back and forth. Then one year, we all decided to