
Sweet Jesus... that Boo picture is going to give me nightmares. I demand compensation! I want a young Bulma by this same artist!

Let's see. The fellow was mentally ill, he was in the military where he did have access to actual weapons to fire, he was able to legally buy weapons and pass background checks despite his history of mental issues, and THIS is what they come down to? Blaming a game played by thousands around the world? If the game

And this is exactly why Steam is a raging success here in Costa Rica. Between taxes and stuff, a PS4 will be very close to the $1300 mark, whereas Steam sells the games at the same prices you get in the US, no Costarrican taxes involved, thank ye very mych!

Or, Grundy always arrives after the party is over and Batman is gone.

SHOW SOME RESPECT!!! Tequila Gundam is a proud representative of Neo Mexico with a well-thought design, and we are all proud of... of... sorry, I can't continue to say this with a straight face... if only it didn't have the cactus needles and a better sombrero...

This reminds me of an early iPhone app that was "worth" several thousand dollars, and did nothing other than show some kind of pink diamond twirling on the screen. I think it was called the "I am rich" app. Some bought it by accident, some by design.

I say "go classic". Stop trying to make a new combat system with every iteration, stick to what works. I personally like the mechanics from FF 7 and 9 (without random battles, thank you).

Question: Is this a thing against this specific car? Or is there anything in general against two-people vehicles, or one-seaters for that matter?

Not exactly on a car stereo, but I remember this part about the Howard Stern movie where he instructs a radio listener to max-out the bass and treble, and then sit on the speaker with her privates touching the membrane. Then he starts making noises and voilá, instant satisfaction over the radio.

I demand to know why isn't there a single Bat-mobile in this list.

I say we clarify it. The kids, the tech-savvy and the internet-wise people of our countries would never fall for this kind of thing. Our overly religious moms and grandmas, the yellow-line papers, the ignorant politicians, the school teachers and Juan, the dude who sells Empanadas down the corner believe every word

This is the one game I have always wished to see remade in high definition, with an orchestrated soundtrack. To be honest, if I had to choose between a remake of this and FF7, I'd pick this one.

Best of luck with it! I hope we get to see pictures of that one too!

That's it. I am opening a charity. The idea will be to raise money to pay oral sex professionals of all sexes and diversities, and have them provide the angry and sad conservatives of the world with a much needed, well-executed session of fellatio/cunnilingus. This man looks like a perfect candidate for a first

Two things:

For land, definitely a military job that lets me drive a tank.

Let's put it this way: before the movies ever came out, the Harry Potter series managed to make British kids from the Playstation generation actually WANT to pick up a book.

So this would basically be "Don't ask, don't tell" for Boy Scouts. When the heck are people going to understand that whether they like it or not, they cannot hide the existence of homosexuality from kids in this era? They keep avoiding the issue like it is the plague, and instead of explaining things as they are,

Gundam-related or not, I don't like the prospect of any child entering "Destroy Mode". Many of my action figures, collectibles games and overall dear possessions have been victimized, vandalized, sliced and diced by my army of under-7 nephews and nieces.

I've met one who is obsessed to the point it is almost a religion to her. She used to be my friend. She basically "veganized" her cat by forcing it to eat boiled veggies, then started to talk about "false vegans" who allowed their pets to eat meat, then would come with us in the crew and eat only fries and spend the