
My dad used to say "You'd have to be a $100 bill for everyone in the world to like you".

Erm, pardon the total legal ignorance I am about to display, but why not simply let the owner insure the car and pay a fine?

I couldn't agree more. There is so much anime out there where the voice actors and actresses feel like they're trying to sound cute beyond my very personal -and admittedly low- tolerance threshold, they make me want to go to the dubbing studio and go all "Drill Instructor" on them. "COME ON! PUT MORE HEART INTO IT

I never got my hands on Twin Snakes, but quite honestly, I could definitely see a remake with new technology even if I had.

I wish the achievements were something a little more tangible. To describe what I'd want, I'd like my avatar to walk into a virtual trophy room, full of achievement trophies that also double as interactive 3d models.

I will only say that they better have one hell of a launch day lineup, both in quality and quantity. Backwards compatibility, while nice, is in my opinion a cheap launch trick to say "please get distracted by your old games looking slightly better, while we figure out what we're going to publish".

It is a matter of personal opinion, but I'd say the answer is "Hell YEAH!!". I did the pre-order, I got the game and I am enjoying every minute of it. Old-fashioned western, two characters -the McCall brothers- which give you two perspectives on the scenarios you play, and different abilities... then there's the

Who the heck wants to be Iron Man now? These guys were pretty indestructible without armor!

Money does not buy happiness, but it sure makes up for one hell of a happiness emulator.

Sidekicks. Definitely sidekicks. There was NO naughties in the original cartoon, nor in the old comic (at least not up to where I managed to read it, mind you). These gray guys are new, and the whole plot stinks of how they'll become regular blue smurfs by the end of the movie.

No, I think not... (walks away in depression...)

Sweet!!! Thank you very much for that. Now I somehow feel like looking at a whole park of these beauties.

Seeing this in person should be quite breath taking.

I'd say "Yes to all".

"God's judgement"? Seriously?! I already knew these WBC guys, particularly the Phelps clan, were already a bunch of inconsiderate self-righteous nutjobs whose collective asses deserve a thousand kicks with spiked, steel-toed combat boots, but this crosses the line.

You seriously think quantity of victims or weapon type is even the issue here? Well, let's humor you for a second here.

I agree with the overall sentiment of the article, but I want to make a point, come what it may. There are people who are so mentally unstable that they only need murderous intent and a dull kitchen knife (or their own fists) to do horrible things, just like there are people with enough common sense to know that

Riddle me this: how does this calculator beat a smartphone with a decent graphing calculator app?

...aaaand that's how my bionic penis got stuck to her drawing table, your honor. It's her fault for having one of those tables.

I can't believe that one day I am going to say to my kids "In my day we had 1080p and we liked it!". I am not getting one of these until the price is affordable by the average hard-working Joe.