
I am not saying I am beyond superfluous luxury spending. I would probably go so Mr. Hyde if I won this much money that I wouldn't recognize my own farts if I was riding in an elevator with myself. But I do think there is something very wrong with wearing a watch that is worth more than all the houses in my block.

" If airports replaced those moving sidewalks with an extensive network of long trampolines"

So what exactly are we going to do with all the unemployed liberal arts majors, millennials and facebook trolls if Mc Donalds adopts this?

I guess the point of the joke is to annoy the kind of kid that will hide behind non-verbal forms of communication. You, for example, will indeed prefer a good face-to-face chat, which is great! So do I! However, bothersome as it is, and rude as it may look, a phone call is the next best thing to a one-on-one,


While I admit I like the looks, as well as the irony of a Mac clone running Windows, I can't help but think that if I ever bought one, it'd take less than three months for it to overheat, fail, crap out, and at best, become a big Tortilla heater.

I am starting to think Apple and Samsung are trying to make patent wars a sanctioned sport of some sort.

Motion approved.

It sounds like the taste would change, perhaps even drastically. Some of the flavor in fried goods does come from the oil used in it. I certainly won't complain if the food is still tasty and does not feel dried up, but I think it would be unrealistic to expect the same exact taste.

During the recent Chitauri invasion in New York, my Iphone 7s prototype got comandeered several times by Tony Stark who returned it with scorch marks and what he considered an "upgraded OS", twice by Captain America who returned it frustrated by not finding the rotary dial, once by Hawkeye who returned it via an arrow

And here I was, about to say no self-respecting stormtrooper would be caught dead wearing one of these. Maybe Jar-Jar would wear the brown one.

Why do so many commenters appear to prefer having read an article titled "Terrorist blew up the Federal Reserve Bank, FBI did nothing because he seemed incompetent"?

You need what Cable (Marvel Comics) used on Deadpool during the "Civil War" crossover: he wrapped Deadpool's entire body with several layers of duct tape into a chair. He could still talk, but he couldn't move for several hours. The "At least I don't need to go to the bathroom anymore" line was priceless.

This is too wrong in too many levels. It makes me sick, but I have to concede one point to the guy who made it: if this was biologically possible, it would have already happened somewhere in the country, and it would be horrifying.

That makes two of us! Mine still works like a charm.

Do you have an old iPod dock lying around? Why not use it with that perfectly still functional iPod/iPhone from a previous generation that you should still have unless you broke it or gave it away?

Let's see: We have the Wii and the tracking bar. We have the X-Box and its Kinect. We have the Playstation 3 with its camera-and-color-balls setup. Now we have this, from Microsoft again...

Everyone forgets him! That's why he's forever alone!

This place is a gold mine for "Overattached Girlfriend" and "Scumbag Steve" meme material.

I think I remember reading somewhere that back in the day, Bill Gates defended bundling the browser with a McDonalds analogy. Something along the lines of "It would be like ordering Mc Donalds to sell a Big Mac without the sauce" or something of that sort. I have always agreed with that analogy. Also, all things