
My first job was at a department store back in the early 90's. Holiday season, toys department, 12 hours a day. The only part of that job that became unbearable was how the same two CDs would loop and loop and loop all day long. It got to the point where they invaded my mind, and I heard them as the soundtrack of

I am going to sound like Grandpa Fuzzbucket here: the simplest way to avoid the whole thing is to ball up and ask for sex the old fashioned way. In person, you young whippersnappers!

Bah! You young whippersnappers and your electric thingamagic gizmos. In my time, books were made of paper and we liked it! In my time, someone would have lost his job and two goats for this! I tells ya. These modern things are the work of the Devil!

"Officer, the original grafitti did say 'Fuck the Police'! I am just cleaning it up! I swear!"

I don't think I've seen a single piece of software in the last decade that was fully ready when released, so quite honestly, I don't see how this is news. We users who adopt early have also been beta-testers of sorts if you ask me.

The neon signs have me wondering. How exactly do you make those in miniature size? I always thought the smallest tube needed to be half an inch wide.

And I suppose you can make a dozen of these in five minutes while you yawn?

What the truth was:

I still don't get their frame of mind. The movie IS offensive as hell, even the actors were tricked into thinking it was something else, but this was a director-producer matter, and they treat it like it was some kind of executive order from the government? Are they really that ignorant? I mean, if they have the

Without a price cut to accompany it, I'd say "PS3 WhyBother?". It is a good deal for anyone who doesn't own one as of yet, but I see no incentive for it unless you own the original 5-fridge-consumption PS3, in which case maybe power saving is worth it.

Not when it hasn't been that long since your last upgrade. Some of us can't afford a new big-ass TV every year, you know...

I am 99.9% sure it was stolen by Jawas, and sold to a scrawny kid who was complaining about living in a farm.

Yes, I am talking about pure TV-watching. I haven't experienced 3D gaming. Sounds like I'd have a good time by your description, but I'd still would have to ditch my current equipment to make that happen, and that's part of my complain.

There is only one kind of glasses I use in front of a TV, and those are my prescription glasses.

I believe the picture does not favor the table's finish and... Oh, who the hell am I kidding? It looks ugly. Ugly! U.G.L.Y! I wanna tear each of those squares into pieces until it's nothing but sawdust and splinters!!!! UUUUUGLY!!!!!

I guess someone decided to take that #YOLO thing to new levels of idiocy.

They could easily put more storage on it, but that would -in their dirty little minds- kill their iTouch line. Not that anyone who matters would give a damn, except they do. The idea is to use your need for bigger storage to get you to consider the exact model you don't want.

In the case you mention, the guy did kill someone. My hypothetical drunk manages to somehow not do that. Yet, my drunk is more of a danger to society than a music pirate, and judging by the other comments in the thread, he does get the easier end of the stick.

I don't live in the US, but something tells me a drunken driver who is an actual threat to human life, would get away with far less of a penalty assuming they were lucky enough to not run someone over before getting detained.