
To hell with adulthood, maturity, self-respect and the whole nine yards. I want one. Now!

At first I didn't notice the tow rail, and here I was, thinking the whole thing would need to be carried by some poor soul in the middle of the heat, like a palanquin.

Not just this. I bet they'd have marathons of Cruise and Travolta movies, followed by the Cruise and Travolta show "Inside the closet and loving it".

Don't hold your breath. Pluto was demoted to dwarf planet, so I wouldn't be surprised if someone comes up and demotes this new moon to "asteroid", or maybe even to "big boulder".

Hey! Please stop quoting "Twilight" dammit!

Okay. The challenge: "Arkham Horror" with all it's little expansions, and the computer playing as "Bob Jenkins". Let's see if this thing can maintain its sanity against an ancient one. MWA-HAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!

They should start with mass-testing the device in order to see what kind of trace turns out to be a pattern. Jesus mentioned stepping on the Marijuana joint someone else smoked. Our shoes might unknowingly step into thousands of things that could raise flags.

Makes sense for soccer players. And yet, I almost expect a bunch of kids who wouldn't even go out for a walk around the block to ask their parents to shell out $300 for these babies and maybe take them to school about twice in the year, before the newest $500 basketball shoes come out.

No way in hell. The only "enhancement" I care about is IMAX, and only for movies where there are actual IMAX scenes. 3D is more like 3Dissappointment as far as I am concerned, and 4D has "gimmick" written all over it. It's fine for amusement park rides, but in regular movie theaters it's overkill.

So what's keeping them from making a brand-new Grand-K that follows the design of the original without the weight loss?

That is actually the problem. Machines can't learn. Everything a robot can or cannot do is somewhere in the code. The so-called learning algorithms are actually just captures of info that go into the database, but the machine does not really have the capacity of using that info in a new way.

It is not as easy as observing. Making it happen has taken science several decades of research and development. Do you have the slightest idea of how many lines of code it takes to tell a machine that has no sense of self-balance how to move in order to take one single step?

While this is quite exciting to read, and I am glad the theory can be confirmed... why oh why did it have to be tendrils?!?! Thank you science for the Ctulhu-ish nightmares!

Why does it seem like the entire Gizmodo staff is in a crusade to bury the Galaxy Note? Yes, I agree that it does not fit in a pocket. Other than that, I find it to be a very nice mini-tablet, quite functional, and with a nice screen size. Older articles on the subject just fill me with rage. ¿So what if I like a

I think the whole thing against tech in Soccer is pure technophobia. ¿Who cares about referee power other than the referee?

TSA agent: "Sir, please step over here for a patdown"

For the price tag, I expect it to make me coffee, get my slippers, fetch my morning paper, do massages and schedule wake-up calls. At a minimum.

I have always liked the idea of a functional HUD, but Jesus, let's face it. Unless someone comes up with a neck implant that feeds HUD images directly into our brain, the HUD is going to come in some kind of physical, wearable device.

HUD? yes. These glasses? No chance in hell.

I'll take a Bluetooth headset over this monstrosity any day of the week. Also, I am not sure if the guy on the picture is smiling or grunting. The eyes say smile, but the mouth somehow says "please put me out of my misery".