
wait i saw her too and youre missing the last part of the joke. the joke is that these dumb sex terms are actually rape. they arent funny things to joke about with your bros because they are rape. i think she ends it with like “ummmm you’re describing rape”

Because that’s what it is. It wasn’t a Schumer joke, it was part of a series of such descriptions she was using to flesh out a larger bit. Pretty sure Hello my name is Mike knows this and is a troll.

Okay, she make that joke in the context of asking audience members if they knew what a “Dirty Sanchez,” a “Dirty Rochester,” or a “Cleveland Steamer,” was.

That’s not a joke, it’s her describing the hyperbolic sex act known as the “Houdini”. She didn’t make it up. It’s obviously not a practical sex act for any number of reasons both logistical and ethical, but it’s not like she “made a joke” it was part of a larger bit on outrageous sex acts.

That’s nice, Amy, but what are you going to do about it?

Or his actions in 2013 with LIndy West, or his dozen other online flare-ups and flame-outs. Well that Bud lite won’t sell itself.

Yes, but will she fire his ass?

ETA: Then again, this.

It’s puzzling that so many people are angrier at Hillary than at the man actually accused of rape. And that includes the alleged victim.

It’s puzzling to me how many people are acting like this is new information. Or like Hilary Clinton is somehow more responsible for Bill Clinton’s behavior than Bill Clinton is.

I don’t know if Bill Clinton raped her or not, but I do find it odd that she seems to focus so much on ruining Hillary’s career over the issue. Her evidence that Hillary even would have known about the incident is shaky at best - Hillary shook her hand and said thank you, in what was perceived to be a menacing tone?

It was until I got to this part:

Incredibly beautiful and moving, and she is so lucky to have had the resources (financial, social, political, emotional) to have been able to do that.

Before his trial, he talks to his mom on the phone about the upcoming WWE match and how he couldn’t wait to see it (that was what he cared about, not his incarceration or the reality that he wasn’t going to see that WWE.) He couldn’t even comprehend the magnitude of what he was being charged with. Tragic.

When they asked him if he had any weapons on him, he answered “I have a discman”...and then they explained that a discman is not a weapon. But apparently they felt it was fine to continue questioning him relentlessly without counsel or a parent, eliciting the most ludicrous and coerced confession that has ever

More than mild. He’s what we used to call “retarded.” I guess now it’d be... what, cognitively disabled? Not developmentally disabled, he was emotionally and socially a regular teenager, but intellectually he didn’t have anywhere even approaching average capability.

Whoa. I really did not think this would happen. I hope he can build a life for himself surrounded by supportive people who can try to help him move past this as best he can. And I hope when he sues he gets a shit ton of money.

According to a friend of mine who goes there, he’s also banned from St Andrew’s campus because they kept catching him with underage freshmen

The cops thought the woman was a suicide bomber with a bomb in her backpack, so they grabbed her and her bomb-laden backpack and threw them to the ground. Six cops did this. So who, exactly, acted suicidal in this scenario? I give up. Again.

That whole shoot was the most thirsty, awkward, and try hard thing ever. It was like they were trying to recreate this Michael Fassbender shoot and just failed so hard.