Damn, pretty much forgot all about these books until this moment! Thanks, Jia. This one was my shit: http://gordonkorman.wikia.com/wiki/Go_Jump_i…
Damn, pretty much forgot all about these books until this moment! Thanks, Jia. This one was my shit: http://gordonkorman.wikia.com/wiki/Go_Jump_i…
What is this from? Brian Huskey is a delight, that last frame is hilarious!
Ya bes’ ta believe it! BIG FREEDIA GOT THE NOD FROM QUEEN BEY!? Gah! Fuck. Yes.
Oh lord, I cannot allow myself to dream that big.
YES. I love her 200% more than before after that appearance. The half-shaved head + pearls really sold it for me.
Ugh, that dress is too gorgeous. The whole look, actually. Gagging on it!
Hear hear! The ginger Elvis is wayyyy sexy.
Dr. Jane Philpott, the new Minister of Health is an actual FAMILY DOCTOR!!!!!!!! She cares about equal representation, worked in Niger for 9 years, and started a charity: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/to…
I heard he did, and she was a real Troop(er) about it.
Oh god, I need to know what clan this is!
I honestly hate Garden State so deeply. I saw it IN THEATRES and it made me legit angry. It’s the most mainstream version of “indie” ever. When it gets so much love,I’m like:
Yes, awesome mom! Now I want to know what the outfit comment was...
Hey, this issue came up in Canada this year too: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/sa…
OhgodNooooo! I just started that show YESTERDAY (I’m on episode 4) and the huge bonus is how fine he is, with his voice that doesn’t seem to raise above talking-in-bed volume. Welp, the more you know...
“Following verbal and physical abuse toward other guests and staff, ...”
Fully THIS. And not only will they not stop, they then turn on you! Like, “WHY WON’T YOU ANSWER ME? You’re a dumb bitch/slut anyway. I didn’t even WANT to talk to you, I can’t believe you thought that!”
Yes! This is me! It’s embarrassing for me, actually. I am literally wretching as I type this, just thinking about one sandwich I ate that had a thick long black hair in the middle. Seeing a hair in my food makes me throw up, and completely lose my appetite. So, not fun, is what I’m saying.