
Welcome to Montreal, bro. It’s... pretty chill.

Love this show, and I really liked her set! I watched it twice in a row and then started googling her frantically for more!

Gorgeous!!!! I love your minty french manicure too :)

Agree with all of this! But I predict that Rachel’s going to dump/self-sabotage her relationship with Jeremy, the safe option, REAL quick. He is boring, his friends are boring, and he’s too basic! Seems like she thrives on being pushed - to do better, to manipulate the contestants, to get hers! At least, I hope so...

I mean... D’angelo is a given, right?

Exactly. So she’s telling her story, which in this case is speaking out about domestic violence. It is so hard for victims of dv to get out or report it. To be publicly talking about it, even after the all the vitriol she’s experienced? Fucking yes. She’s super brave.

Cool, here’s WNBA star Britney Griner dunking. Now shut up.

Look at that jawline and natural smize! DAMN.

Maybe not the wildest, but perhaps my proudest.

Why I believe I have a case of the vapors! *fans self*

Right here, girls! I’m super into CBB, professor blastoff, doug loves movies, throwing shade, and my god, Hollywood Handbook. And more, of course. I love PFT and Scotty Auks, and most everything Earwolf <3

Ooh, you’re so smart! Love the cable idea.

Paul Downs? Oh, you mean KIRK STEELE.

Fun! I love the Canadian pride!

Ugh, my doggie was such a gentleman. Whenever the makeouts got steamy, he was outta there! He'd literally get up and leave the room. Same thing for, ahem, solo seshes. Thanks for understanding privacy, pup!

Fuck yes.

And why should anyone listen to her words, right? This is not a courtroom, so personally, I'll just listen to her words and sympathize that she's been lied to and cheated on by her baby daddy.

I don't get it. Pole dancers and escorts deserve to be treated like shit? That girl was a stripper once so she should never be respected again? Mmmmk....

I love this story! Lady bonding FTW.