
People don't like being told "You're doing it wrong", I'd lay off. They'll figure it out eventually. So many times I've had bad form until I corrected it. We've all been n00bs at the gym at one point.

You just don't tell them unless they ask or maybe look like they're trying to figure out how to use it. I've seen this blow up on people several times before.

I go to the gym at least 3 times per week, usually 4 or 5. I'm comfortable in a gym setting. It took me a while to get there, but I've realized that most people just don't care what the people around them are doing unless it's blatantly annoying (sitting on the equipment without using it, loud cell phone

Workout with a friend. It's like having a portable comfort zone following you around.

This is why like with any real world investment you should do you research first, look into the history of the person behind the Kickstarter and see if they have legitimate history in the development end of the gaming industry. After that make it a point to look up what completed projects that they have under their

"9.7 / 10 - IGN" lol

No, nobody I know is saying I made a mistake. Quite the opposite in fact. It's some of the commenters on this 'flame war'. Some of them have some pretty strong ideas about what they have no experience of. They remind me of a friend of mine who insists the film Titanic is shit despite never having seen it. Kids are a

That was my thinking! So glad you appreciated it.

Yay! A text rundown of what's on the video! This should happen so much more often, as I usually browse Kotaku while at work, and can't view videos.

I think that I, like many people, aren't offended but just amazed at the oversight.

So no movie can ever use burning buildings in posters again? It's not even clear that it's a NY building, there's just plain sky in the background. I'm not even getting into the date coincidence because being mad about that it's just stupid.
C'mon guys, it's been 13 years already.

They may not be complicated, but again these systems aren't to keep out hardened thieves. As the link you use to close the article notes, the average burglar is a teenage kid from your neighborhood who wants a quick entry and exit without much risk. That's what your average home security system is designed to

Every security system can be beat given enough time and resources. It's not just the cheap ones. What you're paying for with security is to keep the opportunists from capitalizing on your house. If you've got $5 million in gold in your house and people know about it it's worth their time. If they don't know what

Video games are still an addiction.

On one hand I suppose it's good to see that video game 'addiction' is treated as a psychological problem, which I'd say it certainly is, but on the other I am extremely uncomfortable as the implication here seems to be that the games are somehow at least partially responsible. This couple's binging on games was not

at this point it just sounds like you are making excuses to disagree with this post. If your passion for cooking/baking is that low then it's probably not the career path you would even choose using this formula.

Again, a path is not a job. It's a journey, not a destination. Let's say you did want that teaching job. Yes, you'd have to work at a restaurant (possibly). That wouldn't be your path. We can't instantly be in the job we want once we decide on the career path. The point is to create a plan. One of those "stops"

Possibly, but you might rethink what jobs use those gifts and passions. You could teach others cooking and baking. You could write a book on those subjects. Those are just some examples.

A career path isn't a job. A job would be a caterer, a career path would be food service. You can also fashion your career path in such a way to avoid things you don't like. Funny you mention those tips. I have a friend that tried opening a restaurant based on this type of formula. The customers were difficult so