
You guys, I literally think I have a problem.

I think you're wildly misinterpreting this post. This isn't saying "Okay, it's safe to ignore people who are flailing because that doesn't really count." It's saying "Hey, drowning might be more subtle than you think it is, so you should ALSO watch for this."

I would remove student loans from "good debt" many times people rack up a ton of debt on them based on the false promise that a degree will mean they will make a lot of money. It's better to work full time and go to school part time paying for college over 8 years than to do it in 4 and then have a lot of debt

I find people like you to be more than a little xenophobic.

Yep! In Japanese, it's サッカー or "sakkaa" (soccer).

Not in Japan. They call it soccer.

The first Witcher is a little hard to get into, honestly, the second is far and away better imo.


Wii U has suffered because for 2 years there was nothing with any "WOW" factor on the systems - Most of the games were either cheap party games with limited value or "NEW" Super Mario games, which are great but I don't think system purchase worthy. While the Ps4 and the Xbox launched the same way I think the third

Oh, you're saying those are GOOD salaries? ;)

Some people get upset at non sequiturs. Your position makes no sense (well I suppose it does to you). If you don't want to use TOR - then don't, that is your business. You don't want to use TOR because pedophiles use it - well, why are you using the Internet?

I don't get all this bashing for Witcher 2's combat, it was pretty damn good to me, especially with the official Combat mod.

Pedophiles use the Internet, you're on the Internet, by your logic you're a pedophile.

Maybe they're refusing to talk to anyone because whenever they've tried to explain it previously instead of acting impartially everyone has just screamed about 'lies' and 'sexism' instead of weighing the arguments of both sides. I can't blame them for being tired of trying to explain their side.

What's with all the Social Justice Warriors picking fights with Ubisoft? This is like the absolute LAST game developer that the SJW/feminist crowd should ever be nitpicking and looking for something to bitch about. There are plenty of real issues concerning women found elsewhere.

"success is always about quality"

There's a huge difference between "can" and "think it's worth it to me". I *can* easily spend $200 on something. Am I going to spend $200 on it? Nope.

Dota 2 might look better, but it plays like shit compared to league. It's kind of like having a shiney turd, vs a diamond the rough.