
I play it on PC as well, but I wish my FPS wouldn't drop to 10 when modding it like this.

How so? I agree that graphics aren't the most important aspect, gameplay is. Still, if I can get better graphics and keep the same gameplay, why woouldn't you? That's just silly.

Maaaaybe he wants to do all the detailing last?

I'm not so sure about that. I doubt a majority of the big CEOs and other billionares have a great moral compass. If anything, quite the opposite. Not all of them of course, some are great, but I don't think a good moral compass is a trait they all share.

With science, such things like love, charity, morality, ethics don't really exist.

There's also Survival Mode. You spawn in the middle of this huge unique world and gather resources to build shelter, eat, and equip yourself to fend off monsters and explore. I think it's one of those games you'd have to try to understand the appeal.

Good lord, that swarm of claymore-wielding knights in the Lost Bastille made me angrier than I'd been in years. Any other game and I would have quit, never to return. I still haven't finished the BF4 campaign because I had to restart a measly three times at one section, and that annoyed me so much I quit.

Interesting. To me, the addition of the stuffed animal makes it much sadder.

I doubt we're talking about the same place, but I can see what you're talking about being a thing. A interesting concept in the service industry to say the least.

That's kind of a big deal right now in the city where I live. There's this restaurant that's well known for being rude to customers and having ridiculously high prices for ridiculously average food and drinks. People often complain on blogs and Facebook about just how poorly they're treated there. Still, the

Hello! I didn't mean to be rude or offend anyone, not at all. The music isn't bad, and I'm aware that this kind of music is very popular, but I can't help but feel like that particular song is a bit cliche, as in it's one of those songs that as soon as they begin, the first thing that comes to my mind is "promo video

So what are the consumers paying for, exactly? It's not like they're breaking even, are they? I don't know the numbers, but I bet they're making HUGE profits. Thing is, they don't want to invest in infrastructure and take away from that huge profit cake. Instead, they want to increase their profits and make someone

Oh man, I can only imagine! We appreciate you filtering them out though! :)

I'm not a fan of this trend to include "sweet sounding" music on preview videos for software. I swear, they all sound exactly the same. I wouldn't be surprised if they're even using the same chords and chord progressions.

I see your point, but many companies have made it work, it's not like it's an unheard of business model.

Yes, history is enabled, but I just figure I'll look at those tabs "soon", and for some reason I think if I close them or archive them or something I'll forget about them completely. Not that I have poor memory or anything, I just think I'll move on with other things and miss out on the others or something.

I'm on the same boat. It was one of the first things I subscribed to when I moved to my new house, but I never found anything interesting enough to watch. Kept the subscription for about 2 months before I cancelled. I don't miss it at all.

I think one of the things that separates Smash Bros from other games is the fact that it can be both a party game and a very competitive game.

Don't tell me what... to do... Barbara...

Well sure, if we get all philosophical, are we even here? How do I know I'm not just a brain in a vat? For practical purposes I think it's safe to assume scientific theories are facts until proven otherwise.