
Yet another cool video ruined by dubstep.

That's, true.

I'm on your side over this whole argument, but this last one, not so much. I don't think he means the game didn't live up to HIS standards, more like it didn't even measure up to it's predecessors. The bar was already set since past games were much better. The quality was lowered, rather than raised or maintained. I

That certainly is the case for me. At this point I already own every game that's at least remotely interesting to me. Most sales lately include games that either I don't care for at all or games that I already own.

Exactly. Is it too hard to just include a 'Casual' and 'Hardcore' mode and cover both demographics?

Whoa, way to make the statement hyperbolic.

I really needed this. I don't like my current job, so looking for a "dream job" has been on my mind for a long time. Still, making the jump is not easy at all. This really helps putting things into perspective. I'll definitely take another look at this article from time to time when I feel I'm on the edge. Thanks Alan!

I'd love to leave at 5. I work 9-6, and that hour really takes its toll. The rest of the day just feels so short.

Okay, these all look really cool. Walking around inside that Mobius Villa should be really interesting, but I can't help but think that all the floor is slanted. That alone makes it pretty impractical IMO.

I'll give you my opinion on DA 2. It's not a bad game, but it looks bad when comparing it with DA:O. Also, it's obvious there were many time constraints when developing the game, because there are lots of recycled dungeons and the world in general feels small and bland.

I didn't quite hate it, but it was a major let down. I expected so much more. I think the biggest issues, at least for me, were the recycled dungeons and the microscopic areas. DA:O just felt so much bigger in terms of the size of the world. In DAII I felt like I was playing in a network of basements connected by

Well, way to make yourself look like an idiot. I'm not even sure if you're trolling, I sure hope that's the case.

I really think it's a mix of both. What you say makes a lot of sense, but so does what the article says. I'm pretty sure both play a role.

London is such an amazing city. I've been there only once for a week but I couldn't help but feel some sort of charm about it. I'd love to go back some day.

The Godfather Trilogy, The Princess Bride, Shawshank Redemption, Top Gun, The Big Lebowski, Scarface, Inception.

Oh, wow. I don't think I could ever recover from losing any of my two siblings. I'm the oldest and I plan on being the one to go, thank you very much.

I think it all depends on why she wanted to look the way she did in the first place. Was it because she really genuinely liked it an felt comfortable? If that's the case, I don't think she should've been changed. That said, as some have pointed out, people who dress and look so differently and shockingly are often

I used to think that as well. I thought it was overrated and whatnot. Last June I went to Paris for my honeymoon, and while some people do exaggerate when praising how beautiful the city is, I regret nothing, and I would love to go back some day. You may have your reasons, but I do think you'd be missing out if you

I was really hoping they would remove the physical home button.

I prefer my platformers challenging rather than "fluid".