
Speak for yourself. I'm bored to death with the Xbox and PlayStation. I get a much better experience going PC+Wii U. My PC is more powerful than any of the consoles, and I play the exclusives I love, like Mario and Zelda. The Xbox and PS have nothing to offer me. They have a coupe of "okay" exclusives, but they don't

How can anyone do that when they all look the same?

Don't be too harsh on yourself, your point is valid, but wasn't expressed in the optimal way. That same thing has happened to me more times than I can count.

You're right, I did come off somewhat douchy with my comment, I'm sorry, that wasn't my intention.

Well, considering English isn't my first language and you understood what I meant, I'll dismiss your supposed counter argument.

I had never read that many words meaning so little in a long time.

As much as the TSA annoys me, I'm glad they took all of those items away from those people. As a passenger, I'm not willing to take that risk. "Oh, that guy next to me has a gun, nothing to worry about." "That guy has a pretty cool sword. Well, time to take a nap." Even if 99.999999% (a completely made up figure) of

It's never about how great the decade was, objectively speaking. It's always about the nostalgia it brings to people who grew up during that (or any other) decade.

I would definitely get this if it also worked the other way around. I definitely need to work on my Japanese, and this seems to be useful.

They're used to talking using syllables rather than individual letters. Of course they can learn to pronounce English properly, but Japanese is very, very different from English. Also, they don't really have an "L" sound, so everything with an L is troublesome for them.

I mostly agree with you, but I think (and hope) they're hiding something cool. Something that will be replacing Subspace Emissary, or just something that makes single player fun. That said, I didn't play much of Subspace Emissary. I played just enough to unlock everything that could be unlocked through it and that's

Whoa, way to get unnecessarily offensive there. Also, FYI, the lore in games doesn't need to follow a natural, realistic progression. I'd be very happy playing RE games that take place in creepy mansions to this day. I loved RE 1-4, but 5 and 6 are just RE+CoD. Completely lost everything that made them RE and became

It's not as simple as that. For one, you never know what may happen. Yes, ideally everything will be perfect, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Also, at least where I live, a prenup can save your ass. Let's say I own a business, and after a few years, for whatever reason, the business collapses and I end up selling

Damn, go back to Jezebel please. He didn't say "exclusively men". It did sound douchy, but he never said women can't have money. It's just a fact that it's much more common for men to have more money, and for women to take advantage of that in court. On top of that, courts are way more favorable towards women than

Want some Anger Management courses? I won't charge, try not to rant.

Oh look, an appeal to authority and made up numbers. Carry on folks, nothing to see here.

What an ignorant statement, I hope you're trolling, in which case, it's still a pretty lame attempt.

I don't know if this is a relevant response to this particular comment, but I'll just throw it out there.

Thing is, I won't bet 50+ dollars to see if a game is good. I'm willing to pay good money for games that I know will be worth it. Having loved Bioshock 1 and 2, I bought Bioshock Infinite the day it launched. Having loved Amnesia: TDD, I bought Amnesia: AMFP the day it launched (although I was somewhat