
It pays off with the prices of games on PC. Also, you don't have to go that far to get a good rig. Also, Steam sales. I haven't paid more than $15 for a game. My library that consists of 130 games would probably be reduced to 25 for the same amount of money on consoles.

Oh, thanks for laying down the facts, random internet person.

I don't know why it would be an issue if it was a Nintendo-only machine. I do most of my gaming on PC, but I need some Mario, Zelda, and Smash Bros. Those alone make it worth it for me.

Really. It's interesting because even if I'd consider myself a metalhead, there's plenty of metal out there that I dislike. There are so many different sub genres that it's bound to be pretty inaccurate.

I agree with your first point, but not the second one. What's a "real" job? Being an accountant, lawyer, engineer, doctor and that's it? If they're not hurting anybody and making money legally, I see it as a real job. I'm sorry you hate your job, though.

Haha, you think you know me because of a few comments here on Kotaku? That says a lot. Also, what makes you think my mindset needs "fixing"? You don't agree and you are better than me or something? Please.

I'm not being defensive, I'm trying to be objective. I may sound like a jackass from your point of view, but you sound like a whiny baby. I'm not defending them, but I don't like whiny babies. Also, there was a sense of implied entitlement in your original comment. As if you had the right to criticize other people

Van Helsing was a very, very underrated movie IMO. It's one of those movies I can watch over and over again and never get bored.

It does look really nice, but I'd need to see a side by side comparison. I can't really tell out of that video alone. Maybe it's the fact that I don't play FPS games that much. I'll look for a comparison somewhere.

I don't see why your nationality is relevant. Anyways, since it was their console, I see nothing wrong there. I actually think it's very whiny and childish to complain about how others use their own stuff. Reminds me of my 5 year old cousin complaining about some other cousin not lending them their toy. Sure, sharing

I would love to see a real world testing of that. Two gameplay videos side by side, one at 30fps and the other at 60fps. I'd love to see how many people get it right. Of course, having 2 screens only would't be very representative, perhaps 3 @30fps and 3 @60fps, then see how many people can tell them apart correctly.

I don't see what's wrong with the Wii U. Then again, I don't know if I should take pisswizard69 seriously. I'm inclined not to do so.

Infographic.- a visual image such as a chart or diagram used to represent information or data.

I just don't get why all this 720p vs 1080p 30fps, 60fps, 120fps is all about anyway. The difference is so minimal it's just ridiculous to chose one console over another just because of that. I can already hear all the cries of the people saying "OMG, if you can't tell the difference between 720p and 1080p you must be

While I agree, who's game/console was that? If it was theirs, who are you (or anyone for that matter) to complain about how they use their stuff? If that was the case, at least they were sharing it. If it wasn't theirs, however, I do think they were giant douchebags.

This needed to be said. Really. I understand the frustration that often comes with flying, I really do. I've had my fair share of delays, cancellations and whatnot. That said, the moment I started thinking about all that's involved in running that kind of operation, I could hardly complain. You have to have in mind

Really? You came here just to bitch about not liking it? You're the saddest kind of pathetic.

Yes, like we all have to go to the same places at the same time.

I figured that if you have a goal, then you might not reach it, but if you don't have one you are never disappointed. And I gotta tell ya, it feels phenomenal.

Laptop and smartphone. I don't own a desktop (planning on building one in about a year though), so I use them both heavily. I use my tablet the least, which is kind of a bummer. I've yet to find more uses for it.