
You do know that many of the higher up staff working at Riot actually worked on the original Dota, right? Also, so what if the company is Chinese? Not 'Murican = bad?

INTP reporting in. Seems to be accurate, since I've had the same result 3 times in a row, taking the test with about a year between takes.

If someone doesn't have internet at home, they don't have access to Steam, or any other DRM service. Simple. Also, come on, when were you not able to have a connection? Do you go on mission trips? Do you travel a lot and stay in places with no internet access for some reason? I smell lies.

Terrible comparison. Not at all accurate. I dislike DRM as much as the next guy, but seriously different issues. Also, Steam isn't bad at all. I haven't had any negative experience, and the significant price cuts make it worth it.

As far as I've seen, they mostly solve the whole deal by listening to FLAC files through an amp and a good pair of headphones, the source still being a smartphone, at least when on the move.

Ah, I missed the bit about them being tabletop games. I saw the mention, but didn't think it was exclusive to them. Anyways, you did understand me correctly, that's precisely what I meant.

I think that your personal situation is a big factor. Personally, my most memorable games are the ones I played in my childhood. The first one that comes to mind is Zelda Ocarina of Time. I was 10 years old, and that game was my life for months. I played it for many, many afternoons. I was very into looking for every

While I voted 4-5$, I'd be willing to pay more depending on the app. I know the option was there, but it just hasn't happened and I can't honestly think of any app right now that I would pay more than that for.

I can't help but notice how much gear they have. So much money wasted on untalented preteens.

Spanish is my first language. My Reddit name is also Bassmaster22, so that must be me, but T.A. aren't my initials. I'm not sure where you got those!

I haven't brought my incompetence in the kitchen to the internet (until now), and Spanish is my first language, so no. I'm sure Google knows a lot about me. Whenever I Google search symptoms when I'm ill, new interests and what not, but I still don't know how them having that knowledge affects me. We can go deep into

Yeah, you may be right, but I wouldn't worry too much. Just for the record, I'm in no way in favor of bad privacy policies, but if Google may find out what my comments here are and can link them to me, what's the problem, really? The only things they'll find are my opinions on tech, some lifehacks, perhaps a witty

That's very clear, at least to me. I agree, some people share way too much, but most people I know, including myself, rarely, if at all, post anything to Facebook. There are pictures of events I've attended, a few of some places I've visited, some of my wedding. That's it. Nothing embarrassing or compromising. No

Not really. Are you the type of person that installs apps constantly, without knowing much about the developer or app itself? If you are, you might be at risk, but you still can't do much damage to an unrooted phone installing from the Google Play store exclusively. As long as you don't install apps that look fishy

Okay then...

Yeah, that's the reason no more movies and music have come out since piracy became common. Oh wait...

I don't use those tools too often, but I do use them from time to time. Finding them is easy. Different than before, but easy. Even easier in 8.1 actually. Right click the Start Button and you're there. There has always been an option to show admin. tools in the Start Screen that was about 2 clicks away.

...? I don't know how that's relevant. If you're interested though, I don't buy the official story. I still don't know how that's relevant but ok maclover.

Exactly. I actually read and recommended some other of your comments because my opinion on the matter is pretty much the same as yours. Let the haters float away!

How that would slow you down, I have no idea. If anything, it's made me reach anything I want faster. Pin frequently accessed folders or programs (if you don't want them on the Taskbar for some reason) and BAM. 2 seconds to get to any of my frequently used folders. Why people are so scared of change is beyond me.