
I know of several very large business and tons of smaller businesses that use Libre/Open office exclusively and it works very very well in the business world.

I guess all of this applies to tablets as well, right? I recently bought a Galaxy Note 8 (and I love it!), but I haven't taken the time to root it. Also, I really like some of Samsung's preinstalled software. Not all of it, but some of it is pretty neat. Any recommendations? Do you know of a good custom ROM for the

Chin-ups and Pullups are some of the best exercises out there. Hard to do for beginners, but amazing exercise, and very rewarding once you're able to do them properly.

Oh, look how well America is doing. It's almost as if the graph was created in America or something.

Of course not, but don't compare consumable services (electricity, water, etc) to non-consumables. How is it expensive for them in an ongoing way? To keep the servers up? Much like thousands of services do free of charge, like Dropbox, for starters? I can understand them charging for a premium version or something, as

I can't even begin to count how many services I've discarded just for that reason!

As for the Keep/Evernote debate, it's really simple. Keep is clean and intuitive, but it lacks many of the features that Evernote has. Evernote is feature rich, but getting around it is rather cumbersome, at least for me. It just feels like it has too many bells and whistles for my taste. Maybe if I knew my way around

Oh man, iOS is making big leaps!

To be honest, the show didn't interest me in the slightest for most of the time it aired. It wasn't until I was about 19 (6 years ago) that I started watching it, because my best friend recommended it to me. I saw a couple of episodes and I thought it was really funny, so I proceeded to watch the whole series a few

Yes, but most things on TV are shit. A lot of people liked That 70's show when it aired, so those people either remember it fondly or keep watching it right now. How hard is that to understand? Same thing with Friends, The Simpsons, Malcolm in the Middle...

Been there. Just give them a heads up and they'll understand. I don't know what you work on, so the time they'll need in advance could vary, but believe me, they'll understand because they most likely take time off themselves.

There's a difference between stating your opinion, stating your opinion as fact, and whining. To be fair, what I (and most people, apparently) see around here is whining, which would explain his meme.

I think what he means is he actually smokes cigars, not cigarettes. Wolverine is too much of a badass to smoke cigarettes.

Not at all. They're all great, and there's enough time in between each one for them to not feel repetitive, unlike other successful franchises that are very overrated IMO.

More like Golden Baths.

You're right, but do you have any data backing that up? As far as I know, the N64 did pretty well.

So? They were sold, Nintendo won, whether the users kept them or not.

Provided you have the money. It's much better bang for you buck, sure, but having a Beast gaming PC is not cheap. You can get a decent rig for about $700, but it won't be close to having "unlimited" power. Also, exclusives.

It has nothing to do with that. The Wii sold pretty well back then. The problem is not having good games yet. No Smash Bros, Zelda, Mario, or any other Console-seller yet. The games that the Wii U offers now are mildly interesting at best. I might get some of them, but they're not worth buying the console for. As soon

Get on with the program. You point is mute.