
Are you suggesting that the whole video game fanbase should just, mature? Even when it's composed mostly by anonymous teenage males? Good luck.

Oh you couldn't be more wrong. I almost obsessively watch reviews from different sources and wait until someone I know actually owns something to make a decision. I bought my Galaxy S2 after watching basically every review available, reading opinions, and using one my friend owned. Until then, I decided I liked it for

When the Xperia sells as much as any Samsung device, we can have a talk. Until then, shoo.

Yeah I know what you mean, I was just playing, it did look weird though XD. I think you're right, in many cases there's very valuable info in the comments section, especially in Reddit.

Ah, I also enjoy making all of my sentences questions? It confuses some people? It sure looks weird? Am I doing this right? Oh look, that one made sense?

Same here. Still, I have no idea why someone would download anything from them, even if I enjoy their videos on Youtube from time to time.

Gah, look at all the whiners complaining about the new interface. YOU DON'T HAVE TO USE IT DAMMIT. I've been using Windows 8 since it launched and I don't see it 99.9% of the time. I only see it when I search for files (which is crazy fast) and when I boot up my PC. Aside from that, everything takes place on the

You can still do all that. Install VLC and everything is exactly the same as previous versions of Windows.

Second this. I'm not easily scared, especially with movies or video games, but playing Amnesia is downright scary, especially in the dark with headphones on.

Not a chance. Having two pilots is the way to go. You never know what could happen. One of the pilots can have a stroke, faint, get sick, all out of nowhere. Having two of them is necessary because statistically, the chance of that happening to both of them at the same time is practically 0. The chance of that

That's cool, dude. Judge me all you want based on my comment, I really couldn't care less. All I know is that if I find out I'm being sabotaged by a hotel employee over affairs of my personal life, I'd seek legal action and surely win, whether you like it or not. "But your honor, he was being mean!" Please. Go ahead,

The article was republished with some updates, which is why I saw it today. It's not being butthurt, it's just sad and annoying to see someone bitching. Point out what you like and ignore the rest, bitching doesn't make others agree with you more or change anything, it just makes you look like a whiner.

So you don't like it. Big deal. Doesn't change the fact that it's one of the most respected and liked games and franchises out there. Your opinion is nothing but that, an opinion. A lot of people disagree with you, including me. Don't worry, they won't miss you as a customer, and the gaming community could use one

Yeah, I'm aware of that. Still, if I ask you "Why?" and the only response I get is "Well, because!" I think it's stupid. I appreciate your concern, but I couldn't care less if my buttons or tie are wrong. A zip is different. That one I do appreciate and try to keep up at all times.

I'm not trying to change it. Fashion will exist whether I like it or not, much like many other useless things. I wouldn't say art serves no purpose though. Sure, it isn't science, but art is interesting, it conveys emotion, a good piece of art can give you goosebumps. You may like looking at the third button

While I knew this rule and use it, I find it to be pretty stupid. Why would they add a button that's not meant to be used? Remove it and save money! I know it's almost negligible for just one suit, but for a factory that makes hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, it adds up. I know I wouldn't miss that useless

Develop and polish it while you're a student. Feel free to take some more risks now that it isn't what gives you the bacon. If you can give it a direction by the time you graduate, you'll have the best of both worlds. Something to do right out of college, and a diploma. Don't drop out of school. While some make it

I've seen a couple of pretty affordable castles, but they're not huge and majestic. More like old, empty, isolated, and overall not cool :/

I know. You can totally get fit with 7 minutes a day. Also, you can lose weight by sticking to a chocolate-only diet, and get 6 pack abs while watching TV and having some (light) popcorn. Come on, have some common sense.

I really don't get why people adopt this blind hate towards change. Did they expect Windows to stay basically the same forever? If that was the case we'd still be using DOS. I don't get why people don't understand that change is good (most of the time) and that while it may take a little adjusting, it ends up being