
That's great advice. You're never too old to keep learning. It's great that you keep an open mind about that. Most elderly people I know just downright refuse to learn, they don't even try, they just refuse to do it. Props to you for taking the time and having the patience, I'm sure it has proven useful on more than

That's a good habit. If something pops up that you didn't expect, it should be treated carefully. Judging by that I doubt you'll be having any problems.

Not since Windows 7 at least. MSE for Windows 7 and the built in security in Windows 8 (which is basically MSE, but with another name and built in) are great. Low on resources, and get the job done. Also, McAfee is arguably the worst security suite you can get for Windows. Bloated, ineffective, and overpriced.

Don't compare your cubicle to your house, it's so irrelevant I won't even go there. As for the desktop background, yes, I have one, since it only takes like 20 seconds to set up and you're set. No need of moving it if I have to go somewhere (I use a laptop), no inconvenience if for some reason my cubicle or myself are

Yeah, it's so annoying when games have free features that you don't have to use and don't give any advantage to your opponents right?

Really? Are you going there? You are aware that the $100 engagement ring is purely cosmetic, and does not hinder the gameplay for those who get it, nor it enhances it for those who do, right?

My egg doesn't look like an egg because it has too much egg. :(

Yeah I mean I can understand a little something. It's nice to have one or two personal items there, but I've seen a few cubicles that are just too much. Every square inch of the walls covered in pictures, post-its, frames, the desk cluttered with more picture frames, stress balls, and just a bunch of assorted items.

This. So much of this.

But kudos on being that tech savvy at that age. Still impressive in my book.

Not quite. Macs aren't exempt from malware. It's more unlikely, yes, but as Macs become more popular, the gap closes more and more. A careless Mac user is more likely to get malware than a Windows user with common sense.

This. I don't know what makes people think they should decorate their cubicle. How is not having it decorated "depressing"? Does it really make people sad? As in "I get sad because there are no pretty things in my immediate proximity when I work"? Seems ridiculous to me.

Damn, that's an interesting way of putting it. The average person would've died about 30 years ago, damn.

"Previously unknown surprise" = Redundant.

It's most likely your carrier's fault rather than HTC's though.

I don't see it happening. People who like it, as others have said, know where to find it on the Internet, and most likely they know how to set up their TV to display it, if they wanted to anyways.

But...but...Apple just works! That's what I've been told!

Jeez, so mad. Calm down homie, you don't need to replace anything. Feel free to use your wallet, damn.

I know someone already told you this, but it can't be stressed enough. I had that same problem when I started working out at the gym, and it was horrible.

#6 would be enough for me.