
Not the RT version, but yes, it is a much more robust OS than iOS.

Oh man, Win8 is so scared and intimidated by your post. They're crying and worrying on their big piles of money over your hatred.

As far as I know, it's more secure as it has better encryption than Dropbox.

I actually enjoy tying my tie and learning new, interesting knots. Learned the Trinity and the Eldridge knots a couple of months ago and they look really nice IMO.

I know someone has probably already said this, but rest is key. If you do the same exercise every day, you don't give your muscles time to recover. Thing is, muscle development happens during rest, not during the workout. That's why most workout routines have exercises for certain muscles only 1 day a week, or 2 tops.

That looks really sleek. I'd definitely get one if app selection wasn't an issue. It probably won't be, but I'd have to be sure first. Or I'd probably dual boot...

Well... I meant a really low end laptop that can only run Office applications...

I know! Android, iOS, Windows Phone, and now this! I'll go crazy! How do people even keep up!

You're right. Companies should just stop making different gadgets and stick to one phone for everybody. Same goes for computers and cars. Screw variety!

Aw yeah, my first response gif :).

There was a sort of "seminar" back in my high school that consisted on about 5 sessions of about 4 hours each, in the course of a week during our summer break. My parents, and the parents of about 7 of my friends got us to take that and that was basically it. We all knew most of it beforehand anyways, but it was

I know, right? That's why I carry a dumbphone, a calculator, a laptop, a notepad, a pen, a gameboy, a list of foreign currencies, a pager, a thermometer, a calendar, and a camera with me at all times. No need for these silly smartphones.

Well, GG Xbox. It was good while it lasted.

Look! Look! This guy knew about this already!

Watch out, we got a hipster over here! I bet he's heard this before as well!

I know that logic points toward the more efficient people, but I've seen lots of times that it's not often the case. I've seen lazy idiots who manage to appear to be busy and productive get rewarded, when hardworking people remain in their places. More often than not, it's all political.

Well, that's assuming that all 40 of those hours are used in a productive manner. I'd be very surprised if that were the case. As far as I know, of those 8 hours, at most 5 are used for productive work. Besides, 25 hours a week may sound as too little, but it's just 3 hours less per day. If you crank it up some more

Like which, for instance?

It only takes a little bit of brainpower to avoid falling into traps like these. If you don't think you can handle it, feel free to use a dumbed-down phone.

Haha so mad. If it's so easy, why isn't everyone doing it?