
Whoa, very nice list! I'll be sure to check out the ones I haven't seen yet. Oh and I agree, The Exorcist is the greatest horror movie for sure. Thanks!

Sounds good, as air is the best insulator out there. This will definitely come handy soon. Thanks!

Speaking about Man Caves, I'll be moving into a new home soon, and I'd REALLY like to set up a badass Man Cave. I have some ideas in mind, but it'd be interesting to see some to get ideas. Any ideas guys?

How about the better healthcare, lower infant mortality rate, longer lifespans, better education accessible for more people, easier, safer, and faster travel? Those are just a few thing off the top of my head, but I'm sure there are a LOT of things that are better now than how they were back then.

This. You should post this everywhere for more people could see. I enjoy when people share their points of view with arguments and reason. Sometimes a great idea comes out of a debate of that kind. Sadly, about 95% of the people disliking Windows 8 (or any other new thing for that matter), only bitch, and their

Hmm, maybe it's my sarcasm radar that's out of tune.

Damn, as if I wasn't excited for Win 8 enough already! From what I read here, Windows 8 is much more awesome than I previously thought. The Refresh your PC feature is amazing! Also, imagine the time you'll save setting up PCs just by logging in and having everything as you want it. Great!

I don't know what's with people and the start button. I haven't used it in years. Ever since I learned I could just tap the Win key and type what I was looking for and get it right there, I have never lurked into the Start menu. Maybe you'll say something like "I just like it better." or something, but I can only

It says it's China in the first sentence...

I can't help but take comments like this as a childish rant. You're calling a review "lame", and claim it's far from the truth. That's it. You don't state any fact, call out on any possible lie, or even your own opinion. You only commented to not only disagree, but try to dismiss AntJanus' point of view entirely, when

Actually, it is KIND of optional, you can go to the desktop interface and stay there, but it'd be nice to have the option to skip modern UI entirely instead of having to actively go to the desktop UI. To be honest, as interesting as Win8 looks, I'll probably stick with 7 for a while too, at least for devices without

Certainly, you're right. I think it's all a much bigger monster than Apple alone, but as far as I can see, Apple is perhaps the head of that monster. Not because they planned everything or anything like that, but I think that out of the gang of bullies, Apple is arguably the meanest one, but I agree 1005 with you that

Man, so many interesting stories, but no way to find out their veracity. I'm not saying that everyone here is a liar, but since nothing remotely similar has happened to me in my life (I'm 24), so I can't help but wonder if these stories are made up, or if they're real and I'm just very "lucky" and nothing interesting

Ok, you win.

Exactly! Thank you! I'm tired of people's negativity towards Windows 8 as well. I'm not even surprised when I ask them why they dislike it and only get responses like "Metro sucks!", "I'm on a PC not a tablet, gosh!". All I really hear is "I love to hate on Microsoft since, ever." and "Someone who knows more about

Gizmodo trying to to make Apple look rotten? They LOVE Apple! I'm well aware that all those companies get their manufacturing done at Foxconn, but Apple is the one with the tightest time constraints, lowest pay per hour, and on top of that, the one that has the nerve to mark up the biggest profit margin by a LOT.

This is awesome, but speaking about horror movies, I've been really disappointed lately. Any of you guys know of good horror films? Old, new, whatever, I just want to watch good horror movies. Movies that are more than jump scares. Movies that are actually creepy and give me nightmares. Any suggestions?

Nah, that's his gay brother that he never talks about, remember? But yeah, I'm a guy (a manly one, at that) but I admit Hugh Jackman is awesome.

So what you're saying is, "they should just like, get another job"? Really? Just get another job?

Too bad, I don't live in NYC.