
Who's a mad boy? Youuuu're a mad boy. Go fetch the iPhone! Good boy!

Well, yeah that makes sense. I still don't quite see the Xbox as a casual gaming console, but I guess it turned into one at some point and I didn't see it.

I think the android is rather cool. I'm slowly gathering a collection of android dolls for my office. :)

I don't dislike Windows at all, but I'm surprised they're not using Linux.

Wow someone's so mad because someone insulted a deceased public figure that you most likely didn't know IRL. That shows a lot about your mental stability.

I don't think they'll use anything larger than that, so I guess it's pretty safe to say that it'll be in 14pt.

That's true, but think about the reviews that speak about other factors, like hygiene, service, and overall quality of the place and food. There are a lot of subjective matters, but one thing is the difference in perception for each person, and a whole other thing is exaggerating attributes due to biased "opinions".

I started learning development of Android Apps, so I hope it has something to do with simplifying the process. I really enjoy programming, but I'd be awesome if it was a little simpler.

LOL, that was funny. +1

Yeah, my fiancee has experienced that lots of times, and she believes they're ghosts and stuff like that. I think you're totally right, I think sleep paralysis/night terrors are what make people think they've seen aliens or ghosts.

That's EXACTLY what my fiancee does. I just wonder what it's like to be on the other side haha. Yeah, she doesn't like it too much either.

Man, night terrors. I know you probably don't look at it this way, but as someone who hasn't experienced that ever, I think they're rather cool. I wish I had one, just to experience it myself. My fiancee has them fairly often, and she describes all of that as well. Shadowy figures speaking jibberish, not being able to

Weird, I can't see any of those options. Maybe an extension is breaking something...

That's exactly what I did, but after I post it, it still shows the link instead of the image.

Wow I'm such a noob, how do I attach the pic for it to be shown? -_-

I'd go with Peazip.

Not necessarily. In my experience, sometimes people don't look busy when they actually are, and the fact that they don't APPEAR to be busy gets them in trouble. I've seen it quite often, people working their ass off, but their boss or coworkers catch them at a bad time and think they're screwing around.

Wow, that's...that's GENIUS! I'm so glad I come to Lifehacker of true Life-hacking experiences like this.

The fact that I played New Vegas is precisely the reason I decided to pledge. You have to look beyond the bugs (which weren't that many, really) and judge a game for what matters. There are plenty of "polished" games out there that are pure shit. I'm really looking forward to what these guys will create. It will sure