
LOL right, if anything, Apple would do something like "To celebrate 500 billion downloads, all apps now cost 50 with it, think different".

Looks really really good, but I can't help but noticing that everything seems Monochromatic? I don't what's the word I'm looking for but while the animations look really smooth and sleek, the interface as a whole seems a bit plain. How customizable will it be? I really like Android and the customization it

Aww but you do care! Come back with a reply to let me know how much you don't care please :)

You even used proper grammar, punctuation, and capitalization...I'd say you care a reasonable amount!

And you're based on?...Your opinion? Surely unbiased and 100% right of course.

Bitch fest? Giz, if anything, love to kiss Apple's ass all day. It's somewhat refreshing to see an article here that actually looks on the bad side of Apple. As an Apple hater, I like it. Besides, using your own logic, if you don't like the article, don't read it. It's here for free, and you can only get to it by

MSE has been great for me, and believe me, I've tried them ALL. AVG, Avira, ESET, and my big favorite for years, Avast. I've been using MSE for about a year now without incidents. I think it's in part because I'm fairly savvy and play it safe, but I've really tested all of those out and it's a solid product. Sometimes

Amen brother. I hope Apple somehow disappears.

Ironically, both. Hipsters and sheep love iPhones. It's the one thing other than Instagram that hipsters love despite being used by so many people. What sunhawk meant is that he's happy that it's finally Apple the one on the losing side. Personally, I hate all the BS the Apple has brought up lately, so I'm happy

I think it has more to do with that fact that they're not exposed to the same amount of "bad stuff" we're exposed to rather than the effectiveness of their medicine.

BRB, buying Torchlight.

I see what you did there. Bashing ambiguously on any of 2 great games to get attention. That's somewhat clever if all you want is attention, but it's very sad, I'm sorry.

Yeah, that's true as well. From what I've heard, it originated when foreigners went to Japan as tourists and would get drunk and pick up fights in bars and such, which got Japanese people to somehow fear foreigners. I recall watching on the news when I was in Japan a note about a murder, and the murderer was foreign.

I never said he was a radical. Why do people keep adding stuff to what I say? Anyways, the fact that millions of people agree on something doesn't mean it's right. Giving value to a thing isn't exactly healthy or sane, especially if it has nothing to do with YOU. If someone shoots a car, well, they shot a car. If

I'd start to worry about how much we as westerners make fun of Asians instead of the other way around. I don't know who could be offended by that Japanese party joke, it's not like people make 1000 times more jokes about Asians. Personally, I've been to Japan and let me tell you, they're AWESOME, awesome people.

Oh man, what I'd give to talk to this man. Mr. Fig sounds like a very interesting person.

And when exactly did I say that every christian is like that? Don't add words to what other people say to make it sound wrong. I said "You know what's not cool? Uptight bigots that base..." I never said "All christians". If you took your time to actually read what I said instead of replying ASAP, you would've seen

Ugh these religious guys, really. The bible with capital B. You know what's not cool? Uptight bigots that base their entire life on old fiction that has triggered some of the most atrocious, violent, shameful acts of human history. Not only they base their life around that, they feel they have the "divine duty" to

Wow, get madder please. What they mean is that obesity among children is an epidemic, not the fat kids themselves. Come on, you're a grown up, you can do better than that. Look at the FACTS instead of ranting because of you own personal experience. Historically, people today are much fatter than they were in past

BOOM, headshot.