
While it lasted? How old are you? Nintendo has been at the top of the industry probably since before you were born, and that won't change in a long, long time, certainly not now. I, for one, love my Xbox360 but I will definitely get a Wii U. Luckily, Nintendo will make with or without you :).

Agreed. It's a nice change and this particular article was refreshing.

Was it? Maybe I'm too new here but Gizmodo has been kissing Apple's ass since I started visiting the site.


Another "upgrade" which biggest features are late to the party. I'll never understand people who prefer the iPhone over any other flagship phone. It's under par in everything compared to others, and on top of that it's more expensive. It's just so clear it's an inferior device, but some people are just too susceptible

It's very similar, but from what I've read, iDevices are more easily bricked. On Android on the other hand, there are several ways to unbrick your device if you manage to brick it. You have to follow the given instructions carefully, if you do that you'll be fine. It also varies if your changing from one ROM to

If nothing relevant and useful can come out every year, why the hell would you put out a new phone every year? It's always the same, barely noticeable differences from one year to the next. They can instead have a 20 month cycle, maybe 24 or 30, and actually put out a great new device that's worth upgrading to, while

Not any better than iOS? Are you kidding me? It has more features out of the box than iOS has jailbroken. Come on, an iPhone without jailbreak can't even get dynamic wallpapers or widgets. Two of the most basic, easily implemented features. Dynamic wallpapers are basically just a battery drain, I don't use them, but I

You can always install custom ROMs, with basically any Android version you want. You can go back a generation if you want to, you can stay on the current one (safest bet) or you can get the next one way before the official release (interesting and more stable than you might imagine, but still not 100%). All of this

Join us my friend, it's much better here.

It now comes with a STRAP? I'll have 5 please! Genius! Innovation! Apple!

Do the jump. Android is much better, it has many more features, and new versions DO get interesting new features rather than insignificant changes. Plus, you can choose from a wide array of great manufacturers like Samsung (my favorite), HTC, Motorola, Nokia. You'll definitely find something you'll like much more than

Dammit Kyle, really? I expect this on College Humor, not Gizmodo. Gawker is falling to a shithole.

I hear ya, it bothers me as well. I've seen a lot of articles that start off with "Scientists have discovered that..." and most of the time, their discovery is stupid. Like, ridiculously stupid. Hey! Waddya know, people hate cilantro!...Hey, did you know that about 40% of the Vietnamese bull-spider prefer eating

Well, did you grab a telescope, put it in the right position, and looked at Jupiter right at the time of impact?

That's not how it works. Cartels aren't composed of people who would operate in a civilized manner if only their line of business was legal. They're people who murder on a daily basis. They're people who behead, dissolve in acid, and torture other people. They'll kill you even if you honk at them on the street dammit.

Such terrible journalism. We've all known that the consumption of the U.S. has been the problem, it's been said ever since it all started. Felipe Calderon didn't "just find out". So easy to think someone else is stupid when in fact its YOU who is totally misinformed. It's YOUR border patrol who let it all happen as

Nice. Very interesting program, but I've been using Ninite for some time and it's really awesome.

Damn I would buy this so much. It'd be much better if it somehow included the rest of the koopas though.

I'm a Mechanical Engineering major, so I love numbers, but I'm most interested in the possible applications. Does anyone have any idea how any of this could be used?