
Someone please tell me there is a branch of the FBI whose responsibility is to track these forums and pursue threats that surface.

Hmmmmm, very good point. I still think it is somewhat similar though as far as the semantics. You want to define the child or the woman before you talk about this aspect of them that does NOT define them.

it's similar to "autistic children" versus "children with autism." In "battered women," the battering part defines them but in "women who are battered," they are women who have just had something happen to them.

It is the height of irony that this piece, which is intentionally offensive, inflammatory, and misleading, ends with a plea to "put down the arms and speak well of one another, see the best in one another, respect one another, and love one another."

Had I been a boy, I would be Marshall, after my Grandpa. Which is fine, but I maintain that his original name before he immigrated and "Americanized" it would have been better: Marcello Luigi.

Yeah but the MOTHERFUCKERS really takes it to the next level of awesome.

Yep, exactly. I definitely do not want to detract from her sense of loss, because I am sure it is devastating. I've been there! But the way she talks about it does seem rather adolescent and melodramatic, like you said. Here, she is literally comparing it to a mother losing her child.

I feel for Miley on this, I really do. I LOVE my pets and have always been devastated to lose one.

ohhhh so you are just the worst kind of troll. gotcha. how original!

Hmmmm no. Pretty sure everyone would agree that murdering and kidnapping school children is horrific no matter the gender.

Well that is horrible. But what does it have to do with the Turkish miners?

Why do you think no one cares about that? And why do you think it's a competition? WTF?

I was confused about that too at first. But apparently the dog was coming back and she left the kid to go chase the dog away (and got bit as well).

I always see Reese Witherspoon.

I watched the video and now I feel bad about myself. This should never have been made public.

Personally, I enjoy TLo's theory on what happened with Kim K last year:

Is that dude wearing his Olympic medal? Does he wear it everywhere?

I don't know what to say, and I obviously can't help. But just know that you've got people (random internet strangers) thinking of you and pulling for you. Hang in there! You will get through it and it will be better again!

I am kind of conflicted on that. On the one hand, it's true that it could be a valuable learning experience (and she does present herself as something of a spokesperson and possibly educator). But on the other hand, it's not really her responsibility to repeatedly teach everyone how not to be outrageously offensive.

And as I said, I think questions about her genitalia are completely inappropriate.